Part 24 - One last kiss

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Mrs.lee left the kitchen to arrange the things that need for Jennie's leave. Jennie was in her room packing up her things. She knew wanting her boss was a fucking bad idea. She knew something intimate would happen between them but she clearly wasn't aware that he would think of her such low.

Following her, taehyung came into the room just in time to see her packing everything, ready to run. "Jennie stop"

Jennie knew that it was her boss.

"Noo!" She said continuing to stuff garbage bag full of her things. "Jennie listen-"

"Please sir let me goo!!" She tried to run out of the room, not daring to look at her boss's menacing figure. Sensing her actions, taehyung closed the distance between them.

"Jennie, I know you're angry on me..but I'm regretting very much about what happened" jennie shook her head not wanting to hear his explanation and just leave. He sighed and grabbed her peppering kisses on her face, jaw, head, all over.

He knew that this action wouldn't stop her from leaving but he needed her forgiveness badly. Just atleast make her feel safe. He doesn't wanna be that bad past in her life.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..I was a bastard for that..but please don't leave" he held her cheeks pulling her face closer, very fragile he doesn't wanna hurt her anymore. "I promise I'll never touch you again..not even bother you anymore.."

Taehyung told putting his face in the crook of her neck, "s-sir" Jennie tried to take a step back, making his jaw tighten in anger but he still held it in. Her hands were shaking, so scared..the memories of how he treated her past night made her not want to be around him.

"Last time I saw you with another man, I know it's not my business to interfere with your relations..but I couldn't just.. I'm very sorry, I'll stay away from you for good"

Jennie was silent, her breathing went up and down regularly.. taehyung just assumed that kai as her boyfriend or something..? For some reason, she felt a heat in her core knowing that he had gone mad over her but other half of her still was very afraid of taehyung.

"But please let me just kiss you once.." he looked deeply into her eyes, he couldn't get enough of her kisses last night..he just wanted to taste those plumpy lips before any decision she would take. "Just one kiss..and I'll let you do your own job peacefully, I'll never even interfere with you again"

Tempted by offer, Jennie's another half couldn't ignore his charmness. Taehyung's touch always made her heart flutter. Without even realising it Jennie had fallen under his charm once again.

Taehyung didn't waste any time, realising that the girl infront of him was no longer struggling and wanted to move away. He caressed her small waist and his eyes softened while staring at her beautiful puffy cheeks. He saw her looking at him so innocently, he leaned in, pressing his lips on hers.

He smiled in their kiss when he felt her eyelashes tickling his cheeks while blushing and her hands tightening his shirt hard as he kissed her deeper. She let him do anything with her lips.

He softly licked her lower her lips, his fingers roaming under her shirt and dancing on her skin making her blush and shiver.

Finally he managed to pull away but his heart stopped a beat when he saw her leaning more into his lips, as if she did not wanted the kiss to stop.

Slowly opening her eyes she looked at the sexiest devil infront of her that was only few inches away. If he wasn't her sadistic boss, she knew she would love him so bad, but it was her brain forcing her to control those damn feelings and put him far away.

"From now on, just stay here.. I'll never bother you again.." he tenderly smiled caressesing her cheeks, badly wanting to swallow her lips again but it was out of deal. And Jennie? She almost died just by his smile.

Get yourself together.

。:゚🥀 ゚:。

"I'll miss you so much tann" Jennie cooed hugging tannie for the last time, as he was travelling along with mrs.lee way back to his old home today, daegu cuz mrs.lee knew tannie would be another burden for Jennie besides house chores.

"Jennie, come here.." mrs.lee gestured her to take the hug radiating from her slightly opened arms.

"Thank you so much dear for not giving up!" Mrs.lee appreciated her, she never ever felt so happy only until she knew Jennie was risking to still work under taehyung. Almighty she only hoped that Jennie would bring the cheerful taetae back to their daegu, where his whole family was waiting for him for with open arms.

Mrs.lee was more than enough confident to believe that Jennie would successfully achieve that.

"Take care of yourself and my tae.. don't forget to eat on time, don't-"

"Okay okay mom, too much remindings" Jennie giggled as tannie in her arms was now licking her face, as if it's his way to tell his bye and jumped down following mrs.lee.

"Anyways I'm leaving..take care" mrs.lee waved to Jennie, asking the driver to start the engine and drove towards her old destiny all along taking tannie with her.

Jennie felt so empty.

Empty word couldn't describe on how much she will miss mrs.lee, tannie and

How much more she has been missing taehyung.

He has been not bothering anymore her as he promised, but still why Jennie's heart is in such a shallow mood since the moment taehyung's lack of approaching her? Spending time with her..

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