Part 018 - Rose toy (M)

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"Bitch you did what!?" Lisa yelled so loud people looked at them in restaurant. "Dammit manoban for what the fuck you're yelling!?" Jennie whispered yelled to her friend.

Lisa shook her head. "Hmm girl this sounds like a straight hot Wattpad story"

Jennie laughed "girl only if I was only so lucky" she told her. They sat in the food court eating their choco pie. "Oh c'mon jen, don't think I ain't noticed how you were so glowing nowadays, even paying for our treats"

Jennie smiled proudly "With the money I've been making lately and putting up, I'm able to stand up on my own now" she told her friend. Lisa felt a little envious, but also proud.

Unlike her, Jennie had to work for everything she wanted. And having a mother that chase her crap of step father over her own child just makes it worse. Jennie had been on her own for years now, and she literally had given her all to reach this level.

"All I'm saying is if I had a man like your boss trying to play his narcissistic wife and choose you over her is such a win win" jennie sighed "Bro he did not choose anyone, seek help!!" She again told her.

"I just found it funny bitch!!" Lisa told her honestly "Speaking of men, how are you and kai?" Lisa asked curiously.

"Girl don't even get started on him" jennie said with attitude "Do you know this fucking man has the adaucity to hate me after rejecting him!! Like yo how much I wanted to slap him everytime he looked down on me infront of his crap friends, fuck him!!" Jennie liked kai, but she hated him all at once for his attitude.

"Now I've got everything on me, if I want to, I can give him thousand reasons why I had to reject him so nicely" She said to lisa with a smirk as lisa shook her listening to her. "Girl you better not, that boy is insane over you, and your rejection made it more worse"

"I don't fucking give a shit," lisa almost choked on her lemonade trying not to laugh.

The girls had a wonderful evening, they went shopping, got their nails done and everything. It had been forever since Jennie was able to spend money on herself without worrying about any bills.

"Oooou now let's do some adult shopping!" Lisa chirped pointing towards pleasure store "You're so nasty" Jennie laughed. "Not more than you baby" lisa winked, dragging her to the store.

It was the back of the store that got her attention. They entered the store speaking to the girl at the counter. Lisa went to the back, already knowing what exactly she's looking for her friend.

"Here" She handed the black and purple box to Jennie. She opened the small case to reveal a hot pink red vibrator. Jennie immediately shut the box.

"C'mon Jennie, you haven't had a dick ever since to pleasure that lonely kitten" lisa snickered at her "Stop, did you forgot I live in my boss-"

"The same boss you were dry humping yesterday, I mean it wouldn't hurt him to know that you got yourself to fuck.." lisa told to Jennie as she nodded to herself more than to her friend.

"Oh and here" jennie read the top of the box the rose. She opened it to reveal small clit sucker in the shape of a rose. Lisa gotten her two when they left.

"Girl that shit does better than all the dicks, even your boss's" lisa confessed, teasing. "Bitch stop inserting him in our every conversation" Jennie snapped annoyingly.

"Oh it seems like you already got his-"

"OMG MANOBAN SHUT UP-" lisa burst out laughing at how easy her friend could get her brain damaged by a little tease.

。:゚🥀 ゚:。

Jennie was glad that her period was over because this would be a mess. She spread out a dark towel on the bed in case if she made a bigger mess on the sheets than expected.

She has stripped down to just her bra and panties. Climbing onto the bed, she lowered the lights, setting up everything so tempting. Suddenly she was reminded of her hot boss which she will never admit to desire off.

She turned on the toy, allowing it to pleasure her. Placing the silicon device between her legs and right on her clit, the sensations really hit her fast. The orgasm already started in the pit of her stomach.

The more she thought of her boss, the more harder it was to breath. She imagined his hand around her neck, while the other hand fingered her pussy till she was a soaking mess.

Her free hand latched onto her tits, and before she knew..her hips bucked and toes turled and her pussy squirted. Jennie moaned a little louder than she expected. "Oh fuck" her legs shook as she came down from her high. Her body was a whole hot mess right now.

But still she wanted more, needed more. And also she knew she couldn't. No matter how bad she wanted her boss.

So she instead settled for what this rose toy could give.

She removed the towel throwing it in the washer, before taking a quick shower. And return back only to plop on bed with a heavy sigh trying more than enough to forget the steamy events from yesterday with her boss.

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