Part 10 - I'm a monster

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The midnight was casted with grumbling clouds and heavy downpour with the thoughts of concern running wild in my mind. Each time when the thunder growled, I could worry only about one person.. Taehyung who is still not treated.

My beating heart unleashed waves of worry repeating the events from earlier, a nightmare indeed..I went almost close to death. Suho along with irene was admitted at hospital meanwhile me and taehyung simply returned back to the mansion.

It wasn't the end of the concerned part tho, cuz we are back but taehyung wasn't alright nor his wound was treated.

The steady dripping of blood from his right hand, tainting the floor in pure red flowing all the way..the breath which was ready to escape got struck In my throat when he attempted to take another step in but only straggered forward due to his wobbly legs.

That's when the siren in my head went off and I dashed towards his dropping figure, preventing taehyung from hitting the floor. We both knelt down together with his body almost latched onto mine.

"T-taehyung!" I miserably failed to his the sign of terror in my voice watching taehyung go unresponsive.

Wasn't he supposed to break the halt and end his enemies who comes in his way? The question of why he prioritised me is still unanswered.

Everything felt questionable at that moment but the instinct to save him from loosing anymore blood was touching the thunderous sky. Worst part about this situation was, there was no one other than me to be helped in this situation.

I quickly made taehyung's head rest on my lap and patted his cheeks with my hands which were already painted in his blood. His previously closed eyes, slightly fluttered open although he seemed to be still out.

"Hey...." I called him out again, this time gaining his orbs to settle on me. It was hard to gain a smile at this moment but I still managed to give him a reassuring smile.

"Please stay with me.." I voiced that out with a smile and tears threatening to fall. It was just impossible loosing taehyung after having him so close and discovering how extinct he crossed for me.

Our relationship was subtle. Somthing which couldn't be described in words. It was something impeccable, with pure emotions over flowing. I always had a fear of loosing this man no matter in what form. Maybe I never voice out, but he became that one person in my life for whom I fought myself every night praying for his happiness. I forced myself to hate him but I just can' matter how hard he made the things between us.

I could feel one of taehyung's hands reaching out to hold mine which was placed on his face. He didn't have much strength in those trembling hands yet he pressed onto mine to let me know that he was still there..for me.. that's all I need at that moment.

I placed his head gently on the floor although my heart protested to abandon him even for a second. Yet his injury has to be done.

"I will be right back"

I quickly uttered it out and made a run towards the bathroom where the medical kits were placed. Getting a grab onto it, I rushed back to taehyung.

He was still running in and out of consciousness. I knelt down and started unbuttoning the black shirt taehyung was wearing. I wouldn't allow that wound to grasp him in its hold anymore.

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