Part 019 - That night

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Jennie took tannie for a walk, seeing that his owners wasn't up yet. She has barely seen taehyung since that Friday night. She caught up with her own house chores. Jennie was more than embarassed of her behaviour. Even more shameful herself to act like a horny ass teenager.

She felt disgusted at herself on how she took advantage of her boss's drunk state. She sighed to herself. Looking down tan had finished his business. He gave her a cute tail wag signalling he was ready to go. Tannie was in a good mood with her, and let her play with him for a while.

Jennie entered the kitchen and made quick lunch for both, Though today was her day off she did not wanted to disappoint once again. She made kimchi fried for her boss and bibimbap recipe for his wife.

She heard footsteps and noticed that both of them walking towards the dining area. First thing jennie met was with taehyung's Peircing gaze. Lips quevering jennie looked away to serve them.

Jennie spent her time watching the couple eating in silence. She saw Irene feeding now and then, being touchy. Jennie felt a crunch in stomach feeling sad? That was the same place she used to have food everyday with taehyung...

Looking at her boss joining along the lovey-dovey atmosphere with his wife, Jennie didn't felt the need to watch them anymore. But before leaving, she failed to feel the still sharp gaze watching her every move intimately.

Mrs.lee spotted jennie coming into kitchen with a gloomy face "ahh did that woman scolded you again?" She asked stepping forward to check on Jennie gently.

" was fine, but..they..look fine with each other?" Jennie remembered mrs.lee words telling how the couple were never ideal together, but they completely opposite to what she said..they rather look quite happy tho.

"Don't ask me lady, this is my first time too see that kid treating his wife good.." mrs.lee trailed off shaking her head. "I guess last night something more else happened"

Night..that night..

Jennie gulped, looking everywhere debating on whether to reveal mrs.lee about that incident. She did not understand, if her boss is serious about his wife..why would he get so comfortable with her? Was it because of alcohol..?

Nope, since the first day she have been working here.. taehyung always treated her strangely.

Or it's just his nature?

"M-mrs.lee on Friday night I-"

"Aunt can you feed kuma out there, he's dying out of hunger" taehyung rushed to the kitchen, as if he has been eavesdropping all along.

"Oh yuh that poor dog, I'll go and take care of him Jennie!!" Mrs.lee left without even putting another ear to Jennie's calling her name silently.

Jennie was standing to the side. He hadn't notice at first but now he took in her appearance. She was in a dark purple spaghetti dress, which was cut mid off her thighs.

The dress highlighted her beauty to extra level, she reminded him of a freshly bloomed flower. She was breath taking, he soon started to not regret the events that occured on that Friday night.

The dress hugged her curves, it made his dick hard and left his mind in all shambles

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The dress hugged her curves, it made his dick hard and left his mind in all shambles.

He hated the effect this girl has on him, even just by standing there.

Jennie waited for a response but all she got was a unbearable silence from her boss. She took the chance to check him back. He was dressed in a tucked tight shirt and jogging pants, showing off his handsomeness perfectly. His hair as always loose. Many rings on his hand, he looked so good.

I wish I could run my fingers through his hair, with his face laid between - No! She thought to herself. She shouldn't think like that.

"Ahem" She cleared her throat " I just wanted to say that I'm-"

"So am I" taehyung already knew what she wanted to say. "But I don't regret it" he said bluntly.

What the actual fuck!?

Taehyung directly looked into those dark doe eyes, daring to look away.. Jennie swallowed hard "Sir-"

"Taehyung, call me taehyung!" He told her. Her mouth ran dry, the room semmed to warm up and a dampness formed in her panties.

"But s-sir-"

"Taehyung" he corrected. She blushed at the deep tone he took in. "Tae-taehyung" she whispered shyly.

It was the most innocent, angelic thing taehyung had ever heard. Here he thought hearing her moan was a lovely escaty dream. But this was- pure. Too pure. The silence between them was so loud and the tension was like red, hot fury.

"I should finish my duties" Jennie quickly said, rushing off.

Taehyung sighed, he wanted her so bad.

But all he could think about was how he was so damaged, not just from his married life but life in general. He had unhealthy habits and even worse, dangerous desires which could easily engulf Jennie, swallow her up and darken her world the it had his life.

His parents, if you could call them they were never around. He had to leave his hometown and come over all the ways to replace his dad's position after he got disabled in a serious fight with some of his enemies. He did not wanted this, but he had no choice left.

His mom, felt like he was choosing a wrong path just like his father..indeed he was. She stopped communicating with him ever since he left the home, she was feared that he would end up just like his father. So she spit on his face that she would welcome him with a hug only if he left all this dark world behind.

In then Irene came along, which made his mom more furious rather worried about his life. He knew why it had to be Irene, but he had wait for the right time. Afterall he spent all his days murdering people, looting them. His wife was just one of his plays, but a huge annoying one.

Hence, the reason he felt so infatuated by Jennie seems very reasonable. The only thing that made him feel whole.

It filled the hole in his heart- , but now he saw something- someone who seemed to bright a light into his dark world. She had became a drug to him and that girl had no clue. But that would change, the only problem was she's a maid in his controversial.

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