Part 03 - Date (M)

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Mistress ll part 03


I was doing the laundry when a deep voice was heard from my back.

"Kitten come here"

I turned around to see taehyung leaning against the door frame "oh taehyung.. what's wrong?" I walked close to him but he pulled me closer to him leaving no gap between us, he pulled me to the living room before pulling me to sit on his lap.

"This is for you" he handed me a shopping bag.

"A dress..but for what?" The dress was really elegant and luxurious "it's for you kitten" he pushed the hair off my shoulder before putting a strand of hair behind my ear while I was reluctant to accept the dress.

"I don't want-"

But he really cut me fast "you need it kitten" that caught me off guard while looked into his eyes "but for what reason tho?" In return he just chuckled while tightening his grip on my waist.

"We are gonna go on a date today"

"No taehyun- what date?" I panicked trying to loose his grip but didn't work "I want to take you on a date come get dressed for me please" sighing at his words, I got up from his lap as he also got up as we both part ways to our rooms.

Not having too many makeup products, I just did a simple liner and lipstick look and took the dress out of the bag. "It's hella beautiful" I fell inlove with the dress immediately. His choice never disappoints.

Wearing the dress I looked at the mirror "oh damn I look really gorgeous" and then a gravelly voice was heard from my door.

"You sure do look gorgeous kitten"

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"You sure do look gorgeous kitten"

I turned to see taehyung standing near the door wearing a fine black suit paired a costly watch on his wrist looking very hot.

After few minutes, taking his hand we both walked in the restaurant then we took our seats across each other then I bluntly asked "why did you bring me here?" I asked while my eyes were busy scanning the menu.

"Why...? Can't I bring my queen on a date?" He giggled showing off his boxy smile which always makes me blush like crazy. "It's not that.. it's just.. it's all in a sudden and after sex, it's not like you really went rough.. I'm used to it already" his smile dropped as he eyed me seriously before leaving a sigh.

"No.. it's just a treat for your hard work so here we are, now stop asking too many questions" his tone was serious and a little annoyed. I asked myself..

Did I said something wrong?

The waitress came for order as I just got simple dish while got something fancy and expensive order, he slowly got up from his seat and sat next to me holding my hands making me choke on my food.

"What was that for?" He just smiled again while I was wiping my lips just staring bewildered at him. Then he pulled out something from his pocket, which was a small shining box.

"What's that-?" Before I could even finish he cut me off by opening the box in his hands revealing expensive Coco Chanel ring "These is for you babe" without thinking twice he slipped the ring onto my finger as he kissed the back of my hands tenderly without breaking our eye contact.

His gestures..always make my stomach flip over and over again.

"Thank you tae" I said sincerely not being able to look away from him, which allowed him to lean in more and press his lips into mine. He kissed me hard as if he was dying to tell me something which I couldn't comprehend but still kiss him back with same intense.

Now I know what a real date feels like.

4 days later..

Cleaning the dining table after taehyung finished his breakfast, I walked up stairs to his room to help him with his suit for his meeting and after entering his room I heard the shower running.

I smirked thinking dirty before stripping myself and opening his bathroom door, I saw taehyung washing his hair with his back facing me, I walked inside the shower hub and then back hugged him having him getting startled and then chuckled darkly.

"Kitten you're being naughty" I ignored his words as my hands trailed down his dick as I stroke it, I kissed his back till upto his shoulders, I kissed him on all his scratches which I made on his back everytime we had sex. He threw his head back in pleasure groaning feeling my lips travel all over his muscular body.

"B-ba-baby don't s-start what you d-dont wanna be de-dealing with" still not listening to him, I stroked him faster while he kept moaning. I felt hot liquid on my hands as I looked at it and found that taehyung has cummed everywhere.

The next thing I knew I was pinned harshly on the shower glass while water was dripping down both of us, I saw his face that was wet with water which was running down his jawline, damn why he always has to look so hot?

"Stop staring at me..kneel down and suck" kneeling down near his dick obediently I took his tip into my mouth sucking on it "just suck it all the way babe" he pushed my head further down on his dick as I gagged on it painfully.

He took a handfull of my hair and took control over my head as he kept bobbing my head back and forth, after choking for few minutes he finished and released his cum all over my boobs, chin and mouth.

" always please master in the best way"

And in next second I was pulled off from the floor and picked up by him as my arms rested on his shoulders, legs around his waist and my back against the wall.

Feeling his tip on my cunt, a muffled moan left my mouth "I will make this pussy red to blue today" with that he inserted his dick deep in me as I throw my head back making it hit the wall with my back arched "ahh..fu-fuck..arghh urgh" I was lost in words while taehyung tightly gripped on my arm against the wall and thrusted his hips like there is no tomorrow.

"Urghh..look at your pussy..t-taking me in so well slut"

He sped up his thrusts not stopping his dirty talks as the pleasure was getting too much for me to handle and also the hard impact on my cunt made my cunt even more sore.

"Tae-taehyung..pls!! Ahh s-slow down urgh!!" He didn't care and kept up with his speed, then he kissed me passionately to distract me from the soreness as he sucked on my lips harshly which made them purple.

While were so lost in the pleasure, we did not expect the sound of furious knock from the main door with a loud feminie voice joining with.

" there? Honey.."

Fuck that's Irene, our eyes widening with panic clearly visible on my face.


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