Part 11 - Book of flashbacks

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After listening to taehyung's words, only one thing was clear to me. He was just as scared as a normal human being would be. He was held in this grasp of dark world which was bound to kill and sometimes he would explode just to save himself or the ones he cares for.

I sat down beside him and spread my arms out welcoming him for a hug which I concluded that he would be needing. And taehyung immediately hugged me back

"If you roar then you're called a monster, but no body sees the reason behind it that made u do such cruelty. are you really a beast taehyung?"

I gently massaged the naked back of taehyung feeling his cold skin grow warmer by my touch as I felt his hands tightened around my waist.

"T-then what am I ?" I smiled and brought him to face me. When our eyes met to hold the gaze. I didn't hesitated to let taehyung know what he was to me.

"A saviour of mine, a great companion. The only man from whom I felt extreme safe and sound. And most importantly a wise father who saved his baby before the world can tear it apart" I could only hope for him to get the sincerity in my words

"And you know what? I'm very proud of you..that you're not that cruel heartless mafia everyone knew saved a family and that shows how soft you've become. You're bound to be the best person ever t-tae"

None of my words were fake and I knew he believed my words as his eyes were replaced with a sparkle of hope "how could you expect me to let you go that easily? When everything you did was to protect me hmm?"

Slowly taehyung's years escaped..he broke down for the first time and I knew he expected me to mend him.

"Then please.. don't leave me" he wailed in my hold only to be held closer, how could I leave this man when he was all I had? "I've lost enough..I want to be selfish for once and have you all for me"

I knew that urge for each other was mutual. It wasn't something to voice out what our hearts held for each other because no words could explain the affection we held.

"So hold me tight, I'm all yours to have" and that's taehyung did. He brought me close. Held me tight in his arms and kissed my lips pouring the passion he had in him for this long.

Our lips moved in slow motion, relishing the taste of each other. Taehyung took extra time to swipe his tongue against my lower lips then sucking on it. I cherished having him so close again, I thought we would never come to this again. When our lips parted, we let our foreheads unite as we breathed in each other's hold.

"I'm in love with you" my breath fanned against taehyung's skin as I let out the confession.

Maybe it was more than love, I had no idea what to call the way my heart races for him, but one thing I'm sure is that I'm crazy for him. But my thoughts crossed when I realised his hold wasn't so tight anymore and our foreheads had lost each other's touch.

When my eyes trailed to look at taehyung, he looked so lost. Did he perhaps not feel the same? That single thought made my throat go dry. I remember him not replying back when I confessed before our departure..and it's the same all over again.

My fragile heart still beats for him..but it take the pain if the feelings I was sure were mutual were actually not. I'm not sure whether I could bear the rejection but this silence was unbearable.

Realising that I hoped too far I couldn't hide the tears in my eyes. How could I be so delusional to hope for something. Taehyung was just a kind hearted man with a shield of coldness outside, he wasn't brutal but he pretended to be. My heart spilled into the spell of his beastly it was my time to suffer.

But what about the kisses we shared? The touches which poured affection..the hugs which shared reassurances..those beautiful love nights we spend? And him prioritising me? Maybe that was just act of responsibility as I was carrying his baby which I turned into crazy infatuation love story.

Saving me was big enough and expecting him to love me back? That's pathetic. I felt his thumb gently caressing my cheek, wiping away the tear which fell through my eyes.

Now I'm just a heartbroken soul..

"What makes you cry baby?" The way he called me by that nickname held so much warmth in it.

"The silence my confession recieved.. can you reject my love through words rather than this killing silence?" Taehyung smiled and it was now not broken anymore but very beautiful, promising and speaking.

"I didn't wish to hurt you. I was just a little confused with all going on in my life, how shall I name what I feel for you? When it's beyond those three words?" My eyes widened..

"What..?" I uttered clueless.

"Your mere touch sets me on fires. The sparkle of your eyes brightens my day. You smile and it works as my lucky charm. I not only love you Jennie, but I live because I have you. And I realised it very late, your absence killed me than any wound. I went crazy at the thought I won't ever have you again.."

"A mere gunshot can't take me down..but my fear of loosing you can, you turned me into a better man and always protected me from the demons in my head and had me wrapped by your affection. How to limit my feelings with just three words when I can write a whole book of it?"

My lips were parted agape with astonishment, the way he worded out his feelings was beyond beautiful. For sure I fell for him, but he seems to fall harder and my heart jumped at that thought.

"I wish I could I really write a book of flashbacks from the moment you entered this mansion all to the way entering into my heart..then you would know how much I'm down bad for you.." 

He looked deeply into my eyes, in his eyes, I found myself picturing the memories of how everything was begun, our typical yet intense love story.

2 years ago


Scrolled enough right? But only going to get the next part after 30 votes 😁

Until then phew 🧚🧚

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