Part 06 - Pregnant

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Irene wrapped her arms around his neck which he removed in no time, and the bulge in his pants was now diminished making him feel relieved that his wife didn't notice it, or else things would've ended up different.

"I was in garage cleaning my car for a mission" taehyung replied looking everywhere but irene as she went "aww" and tried to unbutton his shirt only to get pushed away. "Stop.. I'm tired right now" he simply ignored her while laying on the bed, drifting to peaceful sleep leaving Irene dumbfounded.


Walking into their room, I saw still sleeping when came out of the bathroom just with a towel around his waist.

"What are you doing here baby?" He smirked, I told him "shhh" before pointing at his wife who was sleeping. As stubborn as he was, he instead hold on my waist and started walking forward making me stumble backwards which led us to closest where he pinned me against the wall.

"After Irene returned, you started to act like we are nothing" he asked rather stated with a hint of frustration for which I only scoffed.

"As if we are something" he frowned giving me a confused face.

"All I'm to you is a sex slave and a mai-" before I could speak further he pinched my waist and pressed his lips with mine giving a agressive yet Passionate kiss, then I heard his wife sleep talking

"Tae are you still in the bathroom?" I immediately pushed him to the other side of the closest as he groaned "you're gonna get a hard punishment tonight" he gritted his teeth walking away..

It was evening as I was cleaning the living room when a raging voice came from the upstairs.

"I'm fucking asking you what this test means!!?" Taehyung came downstairs, eyes so darkened following Irene behind holding something "honey this is j-just a co-covid test" my eyes widened when I saw the test in taehyung's hands as he was coming straight towards my direction.

"Jennie can you see what is this?" He handed me the test "uhmm this is a pre-pregnancy t-test" his eyes brows raised and his mouth was frowned "and what does it say?"

"Po-positive.." I whispered

Then he turned to Irene with his veins popping out due to anger while she was already shaking, apparently I don't know for what reason. "W-why are you so mad? Don't you wanna be a dad?" She tried to hug him but he stepped back.

"Yeah..when it's my baby. now..whose baby is this?" Irene's forehead got sweated as she shook her head "trust me.. it's your baby tae" she showed him those puppy eyes which didn't even melt a inch of his angerness.

"MINE!!? the last time we had sex was years ago and upon that we used birth control and condom, so the chance of pregnant now is ridiculous..cut the crap!!"

I couldn't stand there anymore, the lump in my throat was obviously not helping the pain in my chest anymore..I silently walked out from there, running away to my room.

Laying on my bed I recalled what happened earlier "I knew it was a mistake to be with my future husband will think of me as a fuckgirl..JENNIE YOU STUPID!!" I cursed myself as my tears were flowing non stop.

"I-I wanna quit, I'll l-leave tomorrow" I nodded to myself.

Then a raspy voice was heard "and what makes you think I'll let you?" There I saw taehyung glaring at me, he has the nerves to show up his face even. "And what the fuck makes you think I'll stay here after witnessing your real face" I yelled at him for the first time.

"Babygirl, you don't have to worry.. I'll clear this mess-"

"The only mess here is you dammit! Fix yourself!! You made me lay on your bed after declaring that you hate ur wife, but now!?! So you were two timing us?!" I held his collar but ended up getting pinned to wall harshly by his veiny hands trapping me between.

"Fuck it!! Don't scream at me, or else I'll fuck the life out of you right here"

He was about to kiss me, that's it. That was his last chance before his cheeks sting with a sharp pain caused by my palms due to loud slapping.


taking my already packed bags I ran out of the room leaving him dumbfounded. I opened the main door to leave "SPEAKE UP BEFORE LEAVING!!" I saw taehyung too running down the hallways, confusion written all over his face.

"Speak...what? You won't accept my child since it was an accident and also I'm just your mistress so now go and enjoy your life with that wife of yours and your child" harshly wiping my tears I again began to leave. "I-if you st-step out o-of that door, d-dont even th-think of c-coming back t-to me!"

Taehyung choked out, his tears falling and knees weakening..

"W-well then fine..I-I will just tell our-oh sorry I mean my c-child that their father is dead"

With that I left the house, I practically have nowhere to go other than my old apartment in which I used to live way before working as maid. Taking a cab, I got there and I also don't have much money for good food, I sighed thinking about my future..getting the keys I got inside my apartment to see it all dirty and bugs everywhere.

" I have to clean"

I said to myself tiredly, it's gonna be aa hectic day but that's what I get for being egoistic and stubborn but what can I do..

I cleaned up everything and arranged the house as it was before, I rubbed my belly while laying on the bed finally taking a deep needed sigh.

"It's only both of us in this battle baby, but trust me your mama never gives up no matter how hard it's gonna be"


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