Part 017 - Addictive

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The moment 🥀

Taehyung barged into the bedroom, not knowing what thunderstorm was waiting for him..and he was pissed greeting with his wife's gloomy sulking face.

"You.. you haven't slept?" He asked coldly, tiredness absolutely visibly pouring out of his mouth.

"First tell me why you didn't pick me up!?!" She let out a little scream but taehyung didn't seem to be bothered by any of this. He slowly hanged his suit to wall getting ready to have a good sleep.

"Taehyung!?! I'm i a stupid shouting here?" I literally stood at port waiting for you all night and you-" not being able to take her annoying complaints anymore, he swiftly marched towards her.

"Just shut the fuck up, I told you I was fucked up with my own work.. just sleep before I take out my anger on you" he tried to sound less audible, still mrs.lee who's always in alert over heard everything by their screams and meddled into the room.

"You two.. go to sleep, arguing past midnight isn't good" mrs.lee was aware of something happening like this, so she couldn't bring herself but just to stop them.

"This is about us, you damn old woman.. don't you dare interfere" hearing those words coming out of Irene's mouth and it didn't took a second for taehyung to harshly grab her hair.

"NEVER EVER TALK TO HER LIKE THAT, DO YOU GET IT?!" He gripped Irene's hair, she hissed in pain clutching his arms to protest.

Not knowing what to do, Irene stared at mrs.lee with tears welled up, mrs.lee flinched by sudden outcome of taehyung's anger.

"Tae..leave her, stop acting like a maniac kid" mrs.lee raised her voice in a worried tone, went and freed irene from taehyung's grip, soothing her down.

"URGHH I WISH I DIDN'T EVEN CAME BACK JUST TO FACE THIS SHIT" He walked back to the hallway shouting in anger the most disturbing words that could ever exist.

。:゚ 🥀 ゚:。

Jennie's stomach growled for the umpteenth time tonight. It was going on 2am. She badly wanted to go off the bed and try to look for some food but she has been hearing all the screams of the couple arguing.

After the screams came to an end, she was in a big debate whether she can storm out of her room at a situation like that or just stay hunger all night.

"Urghhhh" she groaned frustrated. Getting up, she decided on the leftovers in the kitchen. Sliding on her casual white robe and slippers, she walked across the hallway.

She slid down the kitchen door making no noise, grabbing a plate from the cabinet she proceeded to make her own food. She was glad that there was a jar of kimchi, and instant noodles. just on served some rice mixing with kimchi. Even tho she wasn't best eater, but when she's hungry, it gonna be a big appetite.

Jennie took a bowl to boil the noodles, she grilled up all the ingredients and turned on the stove making sure to cover it just in case of overcooking.

"You're up late?" Jennie jumped ten feet into the air at the sound of taehyung's voice cutting through out of nowhere.

She turned on the light which made his face visible "I'm sorry sir- I was hungry and.." she took in his presence. His hair was more messy this time. He was shirtless, only in a pair of payjamas.

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