Part 05 - number one (M)

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Mistress ll part - 05


Taehyung immediately pulled out his grith and let me down onto the floor "j-just sh-showering hon.. I'll be there" he hissed out looking irritated and continued "goshh that bitch..I didn't even get to release" he cursed as I smiled bitterly and massaged his shoulders to calm him down.

"It's okay..we still have time later, you leave now and distract her so..I can escape to make your lunch" before I leave, he pecked my lips causing my cheeks to get flustered.

Finally escaping from the cage where I was cooking, when I saw the couple coming while holding each other's hands, giggling and being lovely..this scene always breaks my heart which till now I don't understand why.

"Jennie c'mon I'm hungry, also my meeting is in just minutes" I rolled my eyes from jealous seeing how taehyung is acting infront of his wife like as if he didn't fuck me brutally few seconds ago, I'm still sore..

"Yes master" I said seductively causing him to choke on his saliva eyeing me dangerously, is he angry? Not like I would step back.

"Why you're calling my husband that huh?" Irene shouted, almost ready to pull my hair..this witch "nothing might've slipped out of her mouth" he defended me still glaring through my soul.

Cut that stare, don't make me despise you kim taehyung.

It was night time as I just came to bed from the shower and turned off the lamp to sleep. My eyes started to get heavy but then the door got opened and closed to which I obviously didn't paid attention and closed my eyes pretending to sleep.

Then I felt a tingle between my thighs, and I realised that my legs were wide spread so I looked under the blanket "M-mr k-kim what are you doi-" my words were halted hearing the door got burst open revealing a furious irene, don't tell me he ditched her to sleep with me?

"TAE!! TAEHYUNG!! I know you're here, come out..what are you even doin-" I got irritated at how loud she was so cut her off replying "t-tae- mr.k-kim is n- ahh n-not here urgh h-here" taehyung started to finger me under the blanket not giving single fvck about his wife's existence.

"I know he is here" Irene stubbornly stomped her feet scanning the whole room.

"H-he is rea-really not h-here" I uttered out trying not making it out obvious that I was suprassing my moans which got her more suspicious.

"Youu...what you're doing with my husband huhh?"


"Why don't you ask that to your husband?" Jennie sassed back, now that's like my baby.

"Urghh you bitch..I hope he fires you one day!!" Irene fired out angrily, huhh..? I chuckled, that would never happen.

"Actually tomorrow..just you wait until I tell my husband abt your bitchy attitude towards me" honestly I love Jennie for that attitude.

I think I might go crazy, and I don't know it if it is cuz I'm a dick, or it's Jennie's effect on me..I couldn't help but always weep for Jennie's warmth, and it's fvcking unfair that my annoying wife would never baint a eye to my desires.

Only until Jennie entered our mansion and ever since then she wrapped me under her hold like no woman ever did, since then Irene tried to get intimate with me in every way possible but couldn't get me, I just.. don't feel that sparks between us given that we are married for years.

My thoughts got halten hearing the door the get closed, I got out of the blanket slowly wiping my sweat "it's so fucking hot under there..we need to put an AC in your room" I breathed out.

I kissed her plump lips and took my fingers out of her entrance making her moan lowly. Taking that chance I inserted my tongue in her mouth as we fought for dominance, her hands slowly trailed from my waist to my abs then interwined her hands around my neck, now the kiss got more intense.

I undressed her night dress still kissing her deeply when she stopped me "your wife is waiting for you..go to her" I can hear the uneasiness in her tone, she was clearly jealous.

"Stop being will always be my number one baby" I whispered into Jennie's ears who was lying under me, looking very ready to be devoured as she was always under me.

In return she just rolled her kitten eyes sassing back "huhh..number one? Where? On your sex list?.." before I could assure her, she pushed me off harshly.

"Just leave taehyung.. I'm not in the mood today" I tried to cover my buldge which was already hard, she's really moody, and I would never force her, never ever.

I stared at her eyes which are very tired..I sighed in disappointment, ofcourse disappointed by myself that I never knew how to confront her and treat her the way she deserved..


Only if I could.. only..

Why I have to be so complicated..?

I shrugged and decided to play it off, I can't be weak infront of her..not when she's more weaker already.

I bent down and kissed her puffed lips, nibbling on them "be lucky I'm tired or else..your little pussy would be bleeding by now" I pinched her nipples as she whinned and that's when my dick twitched more painfully.

"That's what you get" winking at her, I felt her room..with my grith throbbing still, shit.

I badly need a release right now.

I walked towards my room, trying to reach bathroom as soon as I stepped into the room,

What the fuck?

I walked in more only to see Irene in her most revealing lingerie, almost no undergarments underneath while giving me a seductive wink she walked towards me.

"Daddy where you've been? I was waiting for you" she pouted and wrapped her arms around my neck, rubbing there slightly.


Hello guys, long time no see huh😭

I'm really trying to completely this book as soon as possible so I can start new one 👀

And don't be silent readers, I'm really feeling very unmotivated..I might even start archiving 🙂

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