Part 22 - Punishment (M)

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Note - This chapter contains sexual assault, forcing, quite degrading words. If you're uncomfortable, you can skip to next chp :)

Author 🥀

"I'll miss you Jennie, be happy!" Kai said honestly, giving a slight hug to Jennie while both of them were standing at the parking lot.

"Me too, enjoy Bangkok girls" she joked making the atmosphere joyful, today was the best day. Not only did she bid farewell to lisa but also ended all her disputes with kai, her highschool bully. He apologized to her maturely and gave up. Jennie understood, cuz not everyone had a good teenage mentality.

"Okay then, I'll leave..thank you for forgiving me" he smiled, hopping in his car starting the engine ready to leave. "Mention not!!" Jennie yelled softly waving goodbye, watching her figure disappear in his car mirror as his car disappeared too.

。:゚🥀 ゚:。

Taehyung took a sip of the remaining champagne in the bottle, and as just he put the empty bottle down the sound of the door being opened was heard. He could guess who had come, it's the girl he has been looking for.

The women's footsteps were heard approaching, making him look at the main front door waiting for her figure to actually come. Jennie was surprised when she turned on the room's light, finding a man who was now half naked, his shirt has been off somewhere and he was wearing only trousers.

His hair was messy and he smelled full of alcohol.

"S-sir you aren't sleeping yet?" Taehyung simply shook his head, jennie did not know what to ask anymore..but she clearly wanted to stop him from floating too much in alcohol.

"Sir is this because of mrs.irene?" Jennie asked hesitantly, feared to tell him the truth she saw with her own eyes at the club she spent the night with her friends.

She doesn't know if she was in the position to reveal this to him, but she still hoped that he would put a end to bad habits over small disputes with his wife who's happily out there with another man.

"Your wife is c-cheating on you sir, I saw her at octagon club with an-another man" Jennie daringly stared into his eyes, that's the mistake she did. All she could she see was him looking at her so furiously rather being bothered abt the information she provided about his wife.

"You were at the CLUB!?!" taehyung yelled the last word, clearly taken back. Even the mere thought about those disgusting jerks looking at her or try to touch her irked him.

"S-sir I mean- my friend-"

"On whose command you left the mansion, and return almost at mid-night!?!" Taehyung took a step closer, placing his hands around Jennie's neck. "I-I informed mrs.lee before leaving sir"

"And you thought that it's so burden to inform me or lift my dammit call?" The girl was stammered when asked so angrily by him, she then shown her cell phone. "My cell phone was dead.. I'm so so-sorry sir, if I was not contacted"

Taehyung's lips curved into a grin, a sinister aura clearly visible in his eyes. "I gave you so much free space, didn't I ? Going around clubs during work time, having fun with men and then daring to talk about my relationship"

"Hmm what should I do to keep useless maids like you in control?" Jennie froze upon hearing his harsh words, tears immediately gathered in the corner of her eyes.

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