Part 09 - I'll always choose you

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I heard the gun shot but nothing happened to me..I saw one of those sehun's men on the floor and Irene started screaming like heck.

"Nooo...SUHO!!" Irene cried out like maniac trying untie herself but kept failing, all of us were staring at her astonished on why she's so affected by his death.

"T-tae!! H-he is the fa-father of my baby" irene choked out making my mouth twitched in disbelief..I looked over at taehyung who was just staring at ground as if he's aware of everything that's going to happen..

So... taehyung wasn't the father of Irene's baby? That means he never betrayed me..

"You fucking bitch" sehun exclaimed in madness as he untied Irene and started pulling her hair roughly while she was trying her best to reach suho's injured body.

"I fucking risked everything and trapped him to marry you, instead of wrapping that kim taehyung over your fingers, you were busy sucking my men's dick huhh?!!" He shouted harshly gripping on Irene's hair.

My eyes widened realising everything after patching the dots.

I again turned towards taehyung as I saw him glaring at irene being pulled by her brother..WHY DOES IT SEEMS LIKE HE KNEW THEIR STUPID MARRIAGE TRAP?

Now I knew why he hated Irene..

"O-oppa pls, I t-tried..but I couldn't bring myself to cheat on suho, l-leave me ahhh" irene started clutching onto her brother's arm but he showed no mercy.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU TODAY, YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!" He was about to hit her head to the wall, then I felt taehyung slowly untying me.

"I-its okay, everything will be fine" he whispered into my ears, but nothing is fine.. there's a mother about to die along with her unborn baby. As soon as I got untied I stood up and punched that sehun hardly making his lips bleed.

"JENNIE!!" taehyung shouted.


I'm not that dense.

I knew everything since the moment irene and I were tied up the knot.

I knew it was sehun's bloody trick to use his sister to lure me.

I knew that Irene was always acting like a good wife to me, but inside had so much cunning attacks against me.

I knew it all along but choose to play dumb cuz I wanted to show them what will happen if they mess with wrong person.

But everything turned up side down in split of seconds.

I thought everything was going according to my plans, but Jennie...

Jennie was like thunderstorm who came into my life without any warning, and made me feel like the happiest person ever I could be. I never imagined myself wanting a woman that bad rather than her.

This is the reason why I always hide her and our relationship, keeping her as my secret mistress was better than putting her in danger.

But how the fuck this sehun even found out about my biggest weakness, Jennie mistress without whom I can't even fucking imagine my life going.

Sehun really surprised me, by discovering my weakness which even his sister couldn't..but I'll make sure to give him the sweetest death ever.

I saw him being busy with hitting up irene, idc both of them deserve death anyways. Taking the route, I slowly untied Jennie. And decided to first keep her behind me, I should protect and keep her safe for now, that would mean she should be out of this place as soon as possible.

But for my surprise, as I untied Jennie she sheered upon sehun punching him and protecting is she out of her mind!?!!

"JENNIE!!" I screamed on top of my lungs, and tried to grab her back but I was late..shit

Now sehun gripped her by neck pointing the gun under her chin, wiping his blood off..and from the corner of my eyes I saw irene coughing and crawling towards suho's body.

Fuck.. why does this woman (Jennie) keeps on twisting my plan!?!! Doesn't she know how much sensitive all this is for our baby..

" sexy kitten, you got the guts just like ur boss to hit me huh?" sehun now started pulling Jennie's hair making her scream in pain..

"Stop it, don't you dare lay your filthy hands on her SEHUN!!" I ran towards him but then felt a sharp pain in my arm by which I realised that fucking sehun just shot me.

I collapsed on the floor clutching my arm which was bleeding like hell.

"T-tae-TAEHYUNG!! I heard Jennie's high pitch scream yet she was still in his hold suffering from pain.

"You two love birds huh?" Sehun laughed out pulling Jennie more closer to himself, sniffing her neck which made my blood boil.. "hmm.. taehyung your taste ain't bad"

He snickered playing with her hairs as she just silently cried watching me. "This is the perfect time, sign all this contract papers and sacrifice your powerful position to me or else.." he slightly bit on Jennie's earlobe and it didn't took a second for her to look away in disgust.

"Or else watch me enjoy your girl haha" he laughed out as my jaw clenched in anger..only if I could shoot a dagger in his throat.

"Fuck give me the papers, I'll sign them right now, AND SET HER FREE!!" I tried to stand up still nothing was helping. "T-tae N-No you don't ha-" Jennie protested.

"Oh woman shut up, look how much he loves you that he is ready to sacrifice his wealth for blessed that a mistress like u is getting all the luck unlike my useless guys bring the papers and hand him"

Sehun ordered his bunch of men as they threw the files on my face and I quickly signed on all those where my sign is required with shivering hands at the thought he might do anything to Jennie.

"HERE YOU GO, NOW GIVE HER BACK TO ME!!" I threw the files back, and he pushed Jennie into my arms..I caught her perfectly making sure she was no injured.

"Phew that was so easy.." sehun relieved hugging those files "look taehyung..I said I would leave your girl once you sign the papers and I did as I said, so no hard feelings okay? Haha you're the best partner I ever got"

I ignored his stupid words and focused on the woman in my arms who was crying hysterically. "S-shh it's okay" I rubbed her arms trying to sooth her.

"W-why you d-did that huh?! Why did you sa-sacrifice everything for me!?" She cried more hitting my chest, I stopped her by holding her hands and bringing them close to my lips kissing gently.

"You're safe that's enough for me" then I kissed her forehead and she cupped my cheeks still not caring to stop crying "S-still you did not have to choose me over-"

"Jennie, no matter what I'll always choose you" those were the last words I uttered before my vision went black and I blacked out from the immense pain.


Everyone thought it would be sehun who was shot, So I kinda made it into different plot😭👍

And guys please don't forget to vote cuz the ending is near 👀

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