(11) 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞.

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I became froze on my place, my heart started to increased. Fear crawls into my body making me shuddered.

I clutched my saree into my fist and pushed back my fear as I approached him with slow steps, his back was facing me, and he was staring blankly at the glass window.

"Y you here." My voice stammers.

He slowly turned around which makes me flinch a bit yet I gathered myself and spoke again.

"W what are you doing here?"

He says nothing but just stared at me intensely I gulped and tried to say something but he grabbed my hand tightly and started walking somewhere, god knows where.

"Neel, you can't do this Neel listen to me."

I said and try to speak but he pushed me inside the dark room, i looked around carefully and i literally gulped feeling scared and panicked.

It is freezer room.

"I had told you that don't marry someone else but you didn't listen and marry Riyaan instead of me."

He says darkly and pushed me inside more because we were standing near the door, but I hissed in pain when something hit on my ankle, my anklets bells are making sounds and also my bangles.

They're screaming not giggling maybe feeling his intentions.

Neel who had crush on me and prapose me for marriage which I rejected because his mental condition is not well, i felt a little sad when he cried but I can't do anything.

He sometimes behave normal but in next moment his behaviour change into something unexpected, which is very scary and dangerous.

I had seen his every side but never try to involve in it because it's dangerous, and harmful.

He had said that if he will change himself and become good person then I have to marry him but i don't wanted to that happened so I just ignored him.

"Damn it Dhaani, Say something."

I looked up and glared at him.

"Dare to take my name again and I will fucking Kill you."

I said but I felt my back slammed against something hard and cold, i clenched my fist tightly and try to free myself from his clutch but he was more stronger then me.

He grabbed my neck harshly and started choking me, I try to free myself but he pressed harder and i literally felt my death is near, but I didn't give up and abruptly kicked him inbetween his thighs harshly.

Just at his main part, he grabbed it while crying in pain.

"You are insane Neel, if I married someone else then what's the problem, why are you behind me huh, whereas you can get married and live happily with your family, why the fuck are you behaving like a mad man."

I shouted and kicked him again but on his stomach making him grunts,.

I walked near the door and opened it revealing his friends, i widened my eyes in horror looking at them, with bat, they walked near me and I took steps backwards.

"Ahhhh" a scream escaped from my mouth when I felt a tight grip on my waist from behind, i shuddered feeling pain and scared.

"You can't escape Dhaani."

He whispered huskily near my ear and I closed my eyes feeling very sharp thing pressed on my neck, i gulped hard and clenched my fist tightly.

My heart was pounding very hard and my breath abnormal.

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