9. Engagement

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As Arjun went back, I entered in and Maa is in living room. As soon as she noticed me, started with her interrogation.

"How it went? I hope you didn't mess up." I am silent all the while.

"Answer me when I am questioning you Anvi. Don't play your games with me."

"It went well." I answered in short.

"Maintain this behaviour until marriage. Be obedient and never think about messing up as you know consequences."

I just nodded because I cannot go against her.

I badly want to have a conversation with Neha because only she can understand me. But I never shared about my problems with her even I cannot say about this marriage. She will oppose this marriage but its my compulsion.

I came back to my room and tried to distract myself started to work on some designs.

Now I am sitting in living room and working on my laptop that's when everyone returned back from their respective works. They were just relaxing and I was about to go back to my room as I don't feel comfortable around them.

"Anvi I want to announce an important news. Tomorrow Arjun's family is coming to fix wedding date and wedding will be held in this month itself",papa informed all.

"Yes papa Arjun's informed me this morning when we went out."

I wanted to say that I don't want marry this soon, need some time. But I can't say it.

"Then we have to start preparations for tomorrow." Maa chirped. I can understand her urgency in sending me away.

"Yes I look After arrangements and you make sure everything is perfect ",papa decided.

Bhabhi and Bhai were given their share of work. As I cannot tolerate all this happenings around me I locked my self in room and trying to calm my self.

But which creeped me out was the message popped on my phone screen , which gives me chills. It is from the same unknown creep with just one message my face paled.

I don't know who it is but I am getting some shitty messages from six months. I wanted to say this to papa but I don't have enough courage because he gets worried about me.

I have been ignoring those messages even once blocked that number too but to my bad fate that unknown person messaged me from new number.

I don't know what I have done wrong but my life is a complete mess which I am unable to clear. Upon that I am afraid that what if Arjun comes out like one of these persons in my life?

Everything will be fine. I am okay. I can come over all these. I will have Better future. I motivated myself to stay sane because these thoughts are eating me.

I freshen up and went down to help maa.
Maa is busy in tomorrow's arrangements
, I thought to ignore her as it will be me who will get hurt by having a conversation with her.

We all had dinner. Dispersed to our respective rooms.Neha is busy with her family as she went on vacation.
So I cannot disturb her.

As I was in my thoughts my phone ringed
The caller was unknown which feared me. However I decided to lift the call.

"Hello", I greeted with constant fear that it might be that creep.

"Hi Manvika, this is Arjun."

"How you got my number?" I questioned him.

"I took it from Vishwanath uncle. I think you don't mind me calling you."

" It's okay. By the way why you called me?"I asked with hesitation.

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