6. Marriage proposal

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"Manvika Kulkarni"

"Repeat her surname again", papa was doubtful.

"It is Kulkarni papa", I repeated.

I don't know why papa was stressing on Kulkarni surname.

"By any chance her father is Vishwanath Kulkarni", papa enquired.

Ok now, how do papa know about her father. I decided to ask this.

" Yes papa , how do you know about her father?"

"Oh my god , Vishwanath is one of my old friend and we both worked for same case, when I was IIS and he was lawyer for our case, when we faced trouble in some public rights", Papa explained.

Now it is completely a suprise to me, may be this called fate which brought us together in this way.

"I don't know much about her father, but Virat just said about her family", I further said.

Maa was just trying to understand what we are discussing as she didn't know anything.

"I am more than happy and suprised that you like Vishwanath's daughter, he is the man of principles and I trust his upbringing ",papa said confidently.

"Papa what do you say about this marriage proposal? I really like her but she don't know about all these."

"Firstly I am happy that you agreed for marriage, upon that you choose my friend's daughter, definitely I will support this", papa gave his assurance.

"Arju I am happy too, I believe your dad as he is confident about this", maa added.

I wanted to dance crazily but controlled the urge. I hugged papa and maa as this is most happiest thing that is about to happen.

"I will discuss about this with Vishwanath",papa said by walking away.

My girl is really a lucky charm. As the moment I have seen her all good things started to happen.

But one constant doubt is making me nervous that what if she reject me?
No, no I cannot take that.

I am not that sunshine boy from inside. No matter what, she has to become mine. It completely depends on her either she willingly accept me or choose to get caged by me but she has to choose me only.

She is my obsession, my possession, my intoxication and everything. It depends on her to make me sunshine or whole dark night which engulf everything in it, choice is hers.

With all these thoughts I went to my room, I hope everything goes smoothly or I cannot leave bad impression on my to be in-laws by forcing their daughter to marry me.


With this dark side Arjun is building their future.

(Rajesh is Arjun's father and Vishwanath is Manvika's father)

But on other side Rajesh called Vishwanath after many years, nearly four years. Distance, constant touch donot define their friendship. Professionally and personally they have good relationship.

"Hello Vishwanath,this is Rajesh."

"Hello Rajesh , don't need to say your name, may be we are not touch recently but I don't have memory loss...!"

"Haha...! How are you Vishwanath?"

"I am fine. How are you and family?", Vishwanath asked.

" I am fine. I want to discuss an important thing with you, can we meet tomorrow ", Rajesh said.

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