24. First Fight

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What she made next reached my indignation to another level

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What she made next reached my indignation to another level. Why does she have to be this stubborn? I have clearly said not to do that but who is she after all?

We were done with lunch and the waiter came with a bill. I was about to forward my card but before me she forwarded her card.

I inhaled audibly and I curbed my rage which would burst any moment. She paid the bill and without even glancing at her, not caring whether she is following me or not I walked towards the car.

I sat in the car and waited for her, not like all the times I opened the door. I am not in the mood. She entered and was all quite innocent.

I started the drive and my hold on the steering wheel tight as I controlled myself. Somewhere I felt hurt and distant.


By looking at his demeanor I can calculate how furious he might be

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By looking at his demeanor I can calculate how furious he might be. I have triggered him to his last string of patience. It is the first time from our marriage I am seeing him this angry.

He might be feeling dishonored or disrespected but I have my own reasons to do that. I didn't dare to meet his constant gaze.

We reached our penthouse and he got out by shutting the car door with a thud. Like other times he didn't open my door though I am not complaining.

Neither of us picked up shopping bags from the car. I followed him like a lost puppy. Manvika you are done. By seeing his expressions, he is definitely gonna eat you. My mind mocked me.

We entered the house and to avoid him I took baby steps towards our room. But luck was definitely not in my favor.

“Manvika after what you have done don't you think we should have a conversation?” He said coldly standing near the couch crossing his hands over his chest. He only calls me by name when it's serious.

“About what you are taking? I am not getting it.” I tried to act innocent.

“You know exactly what we are talking about and why I am angry.” he added by taking intimidating steps near me.

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