35. Her personal stress reliever

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Everyone returned and we are on our way back to our home. We had a great time with all of them. She is cheerful and happy by meeting her friends and her sister. The smile on her face is worth doing any sin.

It's past midnight and she is tired as she dozed off. I turned my gaze to her sleeping figure. Her face is calm like a full moon night. Her baby hair is falling on her hair due to Breeze coming from the window. Lips formed in little pout and she is holding my bicep and sleeping like a baby.

This gives me peace. Soon we reached home and I opened her car door and lifted her in a bridal style. I don't want her to wake up. I took her purse and walked in. Whole house was completely quiet and the lights were dim.

Only my footsteps were echoing in the hall. She has circled her hands around my neck and resting her head on my crook. Her warm even breath is fanning over my neck and it is getting difficult to handle myself.

This girl doesn't even have any idea how many times I jerked myself imagining her. We reached our room and I kicked the door as my hands were occupied. I placed her on the bed and she opened her eyes lazily.

“Where am I ?” She questioned me in her sleepy voice.

“In our room. Change your dress it will be uncomfortable to sleep in this” I asked her but she soon slipped into sleep again.

Sighing I removed her heels and I fell into a dilemma of changing her dress. The beads, embroidery on her dress may hurt her leaving marks on her fair skin. But I can't change without her permission.

After giving it a second thought before anything, her comfort is my priority. So I decided to change her. I took an oversized t-shirt from my closet and with hesitation opened her dress zip.

I tried to stick my eyes only on her face, not allowing it to flicker any further down her body. I slid down her dress and swiftly drew my t-shirt. All the while she is sleeping may be due to the effect of her tablets.

I removed my shirt and laid beside her. Cuddling her I whispered,“Happy Birthday baby…..”

In no time I slipped into a deep slumber. I felt a different tranquility. She snuggled into me more.

I felt a different sensation on my neck and with that my drowsiness broke. I leisurely opened my eyes. A smile crept on my face.

Her half of the body is on me and face dipped in my neck. Her front is crushing with my naked chest. Her hot breath was fanning over my neck and lips were brushing the skin with slight movements.

Baby you will be my death one day.

My morning wood is getting hard with her gentle touch. I badly want a release. My erection is throbbing for her mere touch. I am anticipating the day when we will be doing it.

Gently I made her sleep on the bed and I rushed to the washroom. After handling myself and took a bath. When I came out she was sitting on bed confusingly looking at my t-shirt she wore.

Looking at me she innocently questioned,” who changed my dress?”

If I tell her I changed she will definitely kill me. So I choose to lie.

“Baby have you forgotten that you changed yourself last night? You were sleepy.” I smoothly lied to her.

“But I don't remember changing dress.” She is baffled.

“Yeah baby… it's getting late for breakfast,go freshen up” I tried to divert her from further interrogation.

She was puzzled and using her little brain to remember. After freshening up she came out wearing a suit. We both went for breakfast.

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