34. Growing a year older

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All the years I have been concealing my fears, insecurities, my weakness behind my smile. Never have I tried to show my fragility in front of anyone. Right now I feel like a complete failure for allowing my failed traits to over power.

I could have handled the situation wisely but I chose to mess up by triggering my senses with heinous thoughts of getting hurt. I have to stay indestructible, make myself well fortified to handle my problems.

In the back of my mind and depth of my heart I am tensed to face Arjun. How would I explain this to him? I am not ready to remember it all again and go through the immense pain.

The moment Arjun held me in the car I felt he was my savior. He could protect me from this pain. I didn't know when my senses went numb and I couldn't regain anything.

When I opened my eyes I was lying in a hospital bed and Arjun was sitting beside the bed. I didn't think this time it was the worst, unlike any other time. Usually I would take antidepressants and focus on my breathing.

And abruptly my thoughts went back to Prashant’s words, fear crept deep into my bones. No, no Manvika you can't give in to him. You have to fight for yourself. My heart voiced for me.

I inhaled deeply and opened my lashes feeling heavy and weak due to the effect of tablets. When I woke up the bed beside me was empty. Where did he go? My gaze shifted to a clock hanging on the wall. It ticked 9 in the morning.

Oh sh*t how can I wake up this late? It is my in-laws ' house and what they might be thinking. I hastily rushed to the washroom to take a quick shower.

I sprint down stairs, due to the weakness I felt dizzy and my steps tripped. Black spots were appearing due to giddiness. When I felt I would definitely hit the floor.

A strong muscular hand held my waist and pulled over him. Arjun saved me. With half closed eyes I gazed at his handsome face with concern and tension laced over.

“What is the need to rush down? I am just coming back to feed you. But you have to be adamant to tense me. “ Arjun was scolding me with unease.

Raghvi Maa came by listening to his voice from the kitchen and papa was getting ready to lecture Arjun for scolding me.

“Manvika beta, you could have called me if you needed anything. See you may get hurt.” Raghvi maa softly reprove me.

“I am sorry. I thought I slept more and was late for morning puja.” I slowly muttered, lowering my gaze down.

“ Are you crazy? Why do you have to take all the world on your shoulders? For god sake Manvi you are weak and under medication it's common to over sleep. “ Taunting me ,he made me sit on the chair.

“Arjun enough of your scolding let her eat something first.” Papa rebuked him. To which he rolled his eyes.

We all had breakfast and he made me take my medicines. I got used to tablets as I have been taking them very frequently so I don't have tantrums. I don't feel that I am that sick but he is overreacting.

Raghvi maa has taken leave from college. I felt bad because of me, their routine was disturbed. Raghvi maa and papa were taking good care of me. And my husband, he is overboard.

Giving strict instructions he went out, maybe to the office. I am alone in the room. Neha might be searching for me in college. I have to inform her, so I texted her. She didn't reply to me, might be busy.

I tried to keep myself sane without pondering my brain on the inciting incidents. I tried to read a book but tablets showed their effect and in no time I dozed off.

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