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Life is good.

The sun is out, I'm a world champion driving with the top down, and blaring music to prep me for today. What more could I ask for?

I've always said that it doesn't get any better than this. Where I am right now is what I've worked hard to achieve over the last fourteen years of my career, and I don't plan on slowing down just yet. Sometimes you have to live life in the fast lane, and I literally do.

I turn into the road that leads down to where the UK Grand Prix of the season is being held, fans waving and trying to take pictures as I slow down for a brief moment. Security gives me a nod as I show them my ID and point me in the direction of where all the other drivers park, pulling up next to a car that I know is Drysdale's. Ransom is my team mate and we get along, which is surprising considering he's very subdued in comparison to me. 

Like chalk and cheese, as the saying goes. 

I've been driving for Zephyr for god knows how long now. I signed a five year deal last year so I'm there to stay with them for a while. Hamilton's been with Mercedes longer, devoted to them. Zephyr are a good team though, they haven't let me down so far, and even when we've been in silly season and I've been offered other deals, I've always stayed. 

"Got the post its?" I ask Sammy, my performance coach who opens a bag of them as he walks over to meet me. "He's gonna love it. This is really gonna make his day". I rip open a pack and begin sticking them on Ransom's car. The goal is to cover it all - and I've got time before the race in a few hours. I've arrived early especially. 

"You're an asshole, you know that?" Sammy smirks, beginning to stick some on alongside me.  

"Shut up and get sticking". I tell him, covering the bodywork but leaving the windows and wheels. Once we're done I snap a selfie to upload to Instagram later on. 

Your move Drysdale. 

"If we're done pissing off your team mate before the race has even begun? You have pre race interviews to do". Sammy tells me as we then head to the paddock area that's heaving with press, some fans and security alike. 

I give them a wave, stop and take some pictures with a few, but I really don't have much time for anything else. F1 is always a good vibe, and even though you're competing against other teams - most of us get along really well. Ricciardo always is in good humour, so it's nice to joke around with him. Same with Curtis Everett. Everett is currently filling in for another driver on the Vipera team and Daniel has been signed with them for the last couple of years. They're a good team - headed by ex driver Guy Giles. He was a champ in his heyday and a lot of us respect him - even if he is the 'enemy'. 

I'm comfortable where I am with Zephyr, but if the opportunity came up with Vipera in the future then maybe I'd consider it. 

I head to my drivers room, seeing Ransom's door open on his and poke my head in. "Ready to bring Mercedes to their knees?" I ask as he looks up from under his cap where he's scrolling through his phone. He's in his rookie year, but he's a fucking good driver - tipped to be one of the best. 

"Oh I'd love nothing more". He smirks. "So which one of us is getting the podium today?" 

"Verstappen". Sammy quips dryly as he walks past and into my room. 

"Eat shit, Sammy!" Ransom calls. 

As if we're gonna let Red Bull even have the chance of standing up there with us. 

"I'm gonna get ready, then it's fun time". I tell him. 

Journalists must hate the pair of us when they do interviews together as we just fuck about, but seriously? I don't wanna be talking about winning before I even have, it's like a bad omen. The same shit every interview other than if the car has performed, or something went wrong in qualifying. 

Just let me out on that track, that's all I care about. 

I go to get changed, Sammy thrusting my drink at me so I can keep hydrated before we have to go. After we get through it I can finally breathe a sigh of relief and focus on the race itself. 

As I turn to talk to Sammy, I'm so caught up in the conversation that I end up walking straight into someone. 


There's a crunch and as I look down, I see a camera on the floor, lens shattered and some pieces scattered around it. 

"Seriously?" Comes an unimpressed voice and for a moment I can;t even get the word 'sorry' out, because the girl who I've just collided with (quite literally) is the most beautiful one I've ever seen. And I've dated models in the past...

"Crap" I sigh and crouch down as she does to help pick up the pieces. "Sorry I..." 

"You know for a world champion driver you should know when to watch where you're going". She huffs and picks up the camera, studying the damage. "Great, it's completely fucked other than the memory card". 

I'm not the kind of guy to stumble over my words, but this girl? She's making me - even if she's pissed off. "I'm so sorry, let me pay to get it repaired..." I apologise, knowing that Sammy and Ransom are watching with amusement. I'm gonna get ribbed for this later. 

The girl looks at me. "It's fine, just..."

"Sutton?" Another voice now comes from behind the girl and she turns. 

Guy Giles. 

"Everything ok?" 

She doesn't show him the camera but instead just nods. "All good dad". 


Shit. That's Guy's daughter? I should've known it was her considering she's been coming to races before she could even walk. 

Sutton now turns to me and just nods, not dropping me in it with Guy that I've broken her camera, although I'm pretty sure that this is grounds for Vipera to wanna wipe me out on the track. "Have a good race". 

I watch as father and daughter head to their hospitality facility, Sutton looking back at me before quickly turning away again. 

"Smooth". Sammy smirks as he comes to stand beside me, watching her leave. "You've managed to piss off the daughter of one of the world's best drivers. I wouldn't be surprised if Vipera declare war on us. 

I dont care about that, but I have some making up to do...

Rush (Ari Levinson AU) 18+ - Off Track PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now