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Before I leave for Miami, Ransom and I head to HQ to see how the car for next season is coming along. This guy is certainly gonna be a champ - he's had a great year and if he drives like he already has done then he could be even better than me.

We both stand and watch the mechanics at work, although I've snuck two wrenches behind my back and now tap them together as one of the mechanics spins the wheels, Ransom trying to keep a straight face as the guy scratches his head and spins it again. I clink the wrenches together once more, slowing them as the spinning slows.

"You're a bastard you know that?" Ransom mutters in amusement as the mechanics are now coming to see what's potentially wrong.

"I like to keep them on their toes".

"You do that enough during the race". Ransom crosses his arms and watches them spin the wheel one more. I now just take the wrenches and clink them together in full view of the group as they now start laughing and yelling some choice words at me.

"What would you do without me?" I chuckle and give them back their tools "see you guys soon". We head out and to our cars. "What you doing with your time off?" I ask.

"Heading to Monaco, you?"

"Gonna go to Miami, see my mom - you not seeing family?"

Ransom snorts at this. "Like fuck I'm not - they don't give a crap anyway. I'm gonna make the most of the drink and girls before I have to slow it down for the season again".

Drysdale has a great following already. Girls love him, critics say he's brutal but a great driver - and he is. I have no doubt he'll make world champion one day. We make a great team though, and I don't wanna fuck that up by signing with another once my contract comes to an end - not unless he does.

"Enjoy yourself Drysdale, see you later". I tell him and get in my car as he does with his. I've got a couple of campaign shoots with watch and sunglasses companies coming up but other than that? I'm free as a bird. Free to spend my time with Sutton.

I cruise along back home and dial her Humber on the hands free. "You'd better not be driving..." she warns.

"Hands free baby - you all packed?" I ask.

"Almost. Are you?"

"Pretty much - can't wait to see you".

She laughs down the line and I think I fall in love with her just a little more than I thought myself capable of. "You literally saw me yesterday".

"That's a long time for me"

"For you or your dick?" She asks flat out.

"Does both count?" I grin to myself as she scolds me down the line. "What? Can't I miss my girl?"

"I don't know, I've never had anyone to miss me". She admits. She's only ever had a boyfriend or two in college,  but that's it. I only know that because she said the relationships didn't last very long.

"Well now you do". I reply and keep my focus on the road ahead. "What you tell your parents?"

I can hear her shuffling around before she answers. "Girls holiday, they're too busy to probably notice anyway".

"Ooh La La - anyway I gotta get back and pack the last of my stuff. I'll see you over there, text me when you land?" It's kind of a curse being well known, if I step out with Sutton then the media will be all over us, so for that reason alone we need to travel separately.

"I will - see you there". She tells me.

"Hey Sutt..."

Don't say it. It's waaaaaay too early and you'll scare her off.


"Er...nah I've forgot what I was gonna say". I laugh it off.


Not chicken. I just don't wanna ruin a good thing before it's even begun.

"You do that on the track and you're fucked".

"You sound like Gunther - anyway I'll see you later gorgeous".

"Byeeeeee" she drawls and hangs up.

If anyone ever asks us who fell first on this relationship, then I can say with 100% confidence that it's me - and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

Rush (Ari Levinson AU) 18+ - Off Track PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now