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"Mine's bigger". I smirk at Ransom.

"Oh fuck off, mine is - plus it soaks you better". Ransom bites back.

No, we're not comparing dick sizes, we're in fact about to reign some terror on the other drivers with a couple of water guns that we decided to impulse buy. Now we're comparing to see who has the better one. He clearly knows it's me but he's a stubborn little shit.  A stubborn little shit who's been raking in the pole position for the last few races, and good on him. However Vipera are really on our ass this year - their car is probably one of the best out there. Ours isn't performing how I hoped it would, but it hasn't stopped us from taking podiums.

"Whatever, let's get out there and attack".

"Who you taking?"

"Lando is first on my hit list and Curtis second"

"I'll aim for Hamilton first - cocky bastard isn't laughing now he's not even getting top 3".

I won't lie, we're really screwing Mercedes over so far this year, and it's glorious.

I spy Sutton now walking past the hospitality units, camera around her neck, shades on and her ass looking heavenly in the shorts she's wearing.

Ransom nudges me. "Still pining for the Vipera girl?"

"I'm not pining".

"You can even keep your eyes to yourself when she walks past.".

Shit. Is it that obvious? I need to work on that.

"I'm gonna go find Lando". I lie and slip around the back of the units so I can cut off Sutton and steal a kiss or two. I wait and then call her, quickly hiding away incase anyone sees, but then catching her eye. She looks around and now comes to join me. "Hello gorgeous".

"Hi champ". She grins as my mouth meets hers hungrily, fingers slipping under the waistband of her shorts. The. She pulls away. "Why the fuck have you got a water pistol?"

"Another bet with Ransom - see how many drivers we can get with them". I grin and then bring my mouth to the shell of her ear. "And I can soak you in a different way later".

"I'm already wet between the legs thinking about it". She utters. "But we should go before anyone sees".

She's right and I let go of her. "See you after the race, I love you". I say automatically, giving her another kiss.

She freezes and so do I.


The words just came out so naturally I didn't even realise.

Sutton looks at me and then gives me one last kiss. "Love you too, champ - go get that pole position back".

"The only pole position I want is you on your knees for me". I leave her with one last thought as I hear her scold me while I quickly hurry away.


"There's these things called brakes, you use them". I say to Ransom as we look at the car after the race. It's fucked and is gonna cost a lot to fix- but we need to have it better than it was before the next race. One of the other teams pretty much pulled a shit move which led to him spinning off the track and into a wall. He's fine but pissed.

"The brakes are the least of my worries". Ransom grunts. "What an asshole - is Stroll getting a penalty?" He asks of the opponent that's pretty much ruined our winning streak.

"They're waiting to hear back from the stewards". I reply and sip my energy drink. We're gonna have a field day when it comes to the post race interviews and our next drivers meeting.

Ransom flares at the floor. "Well they'd better make the right fucking decision".

I lean back against the table. "They will. He's got no grounds to stand on, he pulled a shitty move and he can't exactly deny that, even though he will".

"He needs a new day job, the only reason he's here is because of daddy dearest".


"Go get weighed, I'll see you at the interviews". I tell him, because at this rate he's gonna end up putting his fist through the wall.

I go back to my room and get changed, making my way out with Rachel to go and do interviews. "So...obviously you're gonna say that even with everything that went on today, you still got points..."

"I know what to say". I reply. She really doesn't need to bother to coach me on what I should say because I'll say what I want. Sometimes I can see her mentally face palming at some of my answers. What can I say? I say things as they are.

Ransom and I sit next to one another when he finally comes in. Of course he rants away about Stroll (who was given a penalty thank fuck) and then the subject turns to me. "So we've heard rumours about your retirement perhaps within the next year?"

"And that's all it is. Rumours, next question". I shut it down quickly and thankfully more questions are asked about my performance today, which I'm happy to talk about.

Once the interviews are over with, I'm out of there so fast I don't even say goodbye to anyone. My focus has now turned to another now the race is over.


My girl, Sutton.

Rush (Ari Levinson AU) 18+ - Off Track PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now