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Ari's home is nice, I'll admit that. It's a little back from the road down a private one. It's gated but it wouldn't stop the paps from lurking outside. Thankfully there's none - just as he said.

He lets me in and I drive up, parking next to the very nice car he owns and taking the bottle of wine I've brought. I can't exactly rock up empty handed when he's invited me - no matter how much I don't want him to think that he's expecting anything. "Looks like we both had the same thought". He smirks and shows me in.

Whatever he's cooking smells nice, and it takes me by surprise. I guess I'm so used to seeing him in his drivers suit, racing, having the media around him - that I've not thought of what he's like in private. What he enjoys during his spare time. What his hobbies are outside of the racing season.

"You look beautiful".

I must look a little surprised, but in truth I am. No one has ever really complimented me like that before. "Thanks - guess you don't scrub up too bad either". I won't lie, he might be chasing me but he is handsome.

I ask him about being invaded by the press and what not make conversation about my Mum before he goes to dish up dinner.

"This your family?" I ask as I spy a picture on his sideboard and look at it. It's him with another guy and people who I assume are his parents. He looks young so this must've been taken years ago.

"Yeah - my step dad and step brother. Stepdad died a few years back and Lloyd is an asshole. We've never really got along". He says a little bitterly as he notes the picture I'm looking at.

"I'm sorry". I put the picture back down.

He shrugs it off. "It is what it is - some families get along and others don't. As far as I'm concerned, it's just my mom I need to worry about"

"She looks very sweet". I say, glancing back to the picture. She looks warm and friendly enough.

"She is". He admits. "Worries about me more than she should".

"She ever come to see you race?" I ask, feeling a little bad as I realise that maybe I shouldn't be prying and asking him all of these personal questions.

He doesn't seem to notice though. "She would, but like I said, she worries".

I nod at this. "I can see why, it can be dangerous".

"No matter how many times I tell her I know what I'm doing, it's like it's not enough. She can't wait for me to retire". He grins and then brings out the plates. "Anyway, let's sit down and eat", leading me out to where he's set the table. It's a warm evening and with the sun going down, it's pleasant.

"Thank you for cooking" I now say, because I am grateful. He didn't need to go to all this trouble for me. It tastes delicious.

He shrugs. "My pleasure. Another way of apologising for breaking your camera, but also a thank you for helping me with the house stuff".

"Have you got everything in place for buying it?" I ask, knowing he put his offer in that very day we viewed it.

Ari smiles. "Pretty much. It's all contracts and stuff now". He explains. "Part of me can't wait for race season to end so I can get on out there and complete it all".

"You got plans to renovate or anything?"

He shakes his head. "Nah, just to obviously buy stuff and then enjoy. You're more than welcome to come over for a pool party, or even a sleepover if you like?" He waggles his eyebrows.

"You're pushing your luck, Levinson". I smirk and continue to eat. "Like we agreed, I've come for dinner and there's nothing more and nothing less from it".

"It was worth a try". Ari shrugs it off and then drinks his wine. "You're certainly making it hard for me Sutton".

I jab my fork into my pasta. "Good".

He lets out a small laugh at this and we finish our food, then moving to dessert and sitting outside still as we make small talk about families, hobbies. He goes hiking, plays sports like tennis, surfs and loves the beach. He generally likes to keep his privacy though, and I don't blame him for that.

"I can surf - kinda". I tell him, having tried it a few times on holiday. "Could never really get the hang of it".

"Lucky for you I'm a good teacher". He smirks, but sees my face. "Come on Sutt, can I at least hold out hope that we can be friends if you don't want something more?"

Ok, now I feel bad.

"You keep cooking me dinner like this then I might just consider it". I smirk. He lets out a chuckle and refills our glasses. "Did you always know you wanted to race?"

"Can we talk about you bow? Is photography a hobby or something you wanna make into a permanent job?"

"It started out as one, my dad wants me to join Vipera next year and do all the social media photography and stuff". I now tell him. "I'll probably take him up on the offer".

He nods at this. "Don't take this the wrong way, I'm just curious - is it something you wanna do for you? Or to make your dad happy?"

"Don't get me wrong, the last thing I want is people thinking I got the job because I'm his daughter. I don't ask to be treaty differently from any other employee. I've told him I'll think about it".

"You got any I can see?"

"My Instagram - it's got a lot". I offer, surprised that he's not stalked and followed me yet. I know he has it, I've seen the picture of his post it note prank on Ransom's car that's been floating round social media.

He looks hesitant. "You're ok with me looking?"

"It's public. You can look".

Ari nods slowly. "Just can't touch", he mutters more to himself, and then goes onto Instagram to look at my page. I wonder whether he's silently judging my skills as he scrolls through. Looking at picture after picture.

"I know, dad's lying when he says they're good enough for me to get the job right?"

"Actually, they're great, more on the level of pro photographers. You'd be mad not to take his offer - you've got talent and everyone should see that".

My face lights up at this. "Thanks".

"This mean we can be friends? Or aren't you allowed to considering I'm the 'enemy'?"

I think about it for a moment and then nod with a smile. "I think we can be friends", but I know deep down he's hoping we can be more than that .

Rush (Ari Levinson AU) 18+ - Off Track PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now