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"I have a confession". Ari looks to me as we lay in bed one evening and I nod for him to go on. "Ransom has known about us since we got together, only because I needed help in covering my tracks when it came to seeing you - mainly at the track. He's kept his mouth shut though, but I didn't wanna tell you in case you weren't ok with the idea of someone knowing".

I'm a little shocked. Ransom has never once hinted that he's been playing wingman for us, and I have to admit that I admire him for it. I know Ari's close to him, and I'm not exactly mad at the fact that he's kept this for me. He needed someone on the inside that he could trust, and that was his teammate.

"How did he?"

"Sometimes he'd lie about where I was if I was late to a drivers meeting and stuff. What I'm also saying is that you can trust him. He's been not just a good team mate but a good friend to me".

"Well he certainly never gave anything away, even to me. He's only ever said the odd good morning and that's it". I've never had a full conversation with Ransom, usually he prefers to let others do the talking unless a question is directed at him in particular.

"He likes to keep up appearances". Ari says, "plus he doesn't really like socialising".

I shrug. "Well I'm glad you at least had someone other than me to keep this under wraps while it lasted".

"Maybe if there's a chance, I'll let him take pole position this week, as a thank you". Ari chuckles and I lie against his chest, hearing the waves outside and feeling at ease. Perfect. "What you thinking about Sutt?" He now asks after noting my silence.

"Just how nice this all is. I kinda don't wanna go back to work".

"Mmmm" He hums in agreement and shifts to get more comfortable. "Gotta get on that plane in a couple of days though baby, back to reality".

Yeah, and it's gonna hit hard.

"Yeah" I sigh, "guess so".

I can't wait to get everything in order and move over here. I've already started the process. Once this season is over then it's goodbye England and hello Miami.

At least we can now share a hotel room without having sneak into one another's for the duration of the races. It's Belgium next, so it will be technically our first appearance at a race as a couple, since the news broke.

"It'll be ok, we just give the photographers their shot and that's it. They'll soon be bored". He reassures me and wraps me in his arms, kissing down one. "C'mon, we both need our beauty sleep".

I fall asleep not long after, feeling safe in his embrace.


Practice day comes and both Ari and I keep our heads held high as we walk to the paddock hand in hand, cameras going off and reporters trying to ask questions. We simply say good morning, but it must be a sight to see with Zephyr and Vipera walking together. 

Scanning our passes, we get inside the paddock and I feel like I can breathe a sigh of relief. It;s Ari that will most likely have to deal with the media and their questions, however he is shutting them down by refusing to answer. He's more experienced with media than I am anyway. 

"I gotta get hospitality, but I'll see you after". Ari tells me and then gives me a kiss. 

"Good luck out there, I'll be watching". I tell him. 

He grins. "I know, you always are - just pray that our cars perform better so we can smash qualifying?"

"I've got everything crossed, love you". 

"Love you more gorgeous". He says and we're then interrupted by a few people wanting to take selfies with him, so I slip away to the Vipera hospitality area and find dad in his office. 

He looks up as I walk in. "Everything ok out there Sutt? Or is it a circus?" 

I shrug and sit down across from him. "It was ok, I think they'll be aiming more for Ari than me, but he knows what to do - race day will obviously be a bigger experience, more media". 

"Looks like we could be in for a wet one, and that track can be unforgiving". Dad replies. "You remember last year". 

Yeah, it was a shit show, the cars were sliding all over the place even with wet tyres. The track itself is a tricky one, and I'm not sure whether any driver will tell you that Belgium is their favourite race. 

"Yeah, loud and clear, we always seem to the dealt the shitty hand in wet conditions". 

"Hopefully not this year, better car and all". He says, sitting back and then looks at me. "There's still a lot of talk about Ari retiring, and given that you know him best, is he?" 

I smirk. "Why? Do you want him for at least one season before he does?" 

Dad chuckles. "When we spoke last, I mentioned that once his contract comes to an end, Vipera are interested in snapping him up from Zephyr - that's if he decides to finally bite the bullet and leave". 

"Well he's not retiring, at least that's what he's told me. His contract is up next season and I'm sure that Zephyr are gonna renew it like they always have, but I did mention about him maybe coming to drive for us. He didn't say yes, but he didn't say no either". 

"It's a shame Drysdale's still under contract for a few more years, I'd like to have him as well - he's got a hell of a lot of potential". 

"Yeah, but Ransom can be a dangerous little shit out there". I chuckle as I repeat Ari's words that he once said about him. "I think we can get Ari to come drive for us, he has mentioned about how our cars are getting better year by year". 

Dad drums his fingers on the table top. "You think he's losing faith in Zephyr? They've had a rough couple of years with their cars, but still have managed to get a load of wins". 

"It's more so that the engineers and mechanics haven't delivered on what they talked about. No car is ever going to be perfect, but the last couple of years for Zephyr haven't been great, and I do think there's a possibility that he won't renew". 

"Hmmm, well we'll just have to see what comes our way, and hopefully it'll be Ari". 

Dad's assistant now comes in and says that it's time for some interviews, so he heads out to do those while I prep my camera to make sure that everything is all set for the next few days. Practice starts in a few hours and fingers crossed that the weather holds up - we can't afford to wreck the cars before that actual race. 

As I walk out of our hospitality area, I see Max and Ari talking to a reporter from Sky News and smile to myself as he laughs in his usual manner. 

I really am a lucky girl. 

Rush (Ari Levinson AU) 18+ - Off Track PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now