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Yeah ok, I got a little cocky when sending the text to Sutton, but she needed to know that I was right. She's playing with me like a cat toys with a mouse before it ultimately kills it.

She's killing me slowly...

Sutton: I suppose you'll be wanting your good luck charm before ever race then

Ari: Well I wouldn't say no.

Somewhere, she's in another part of this hotel, probably lying on her bed and laughing to herself at just how whipped she can make me.

But I really am.

Sutton: You eaten?

I mean, I know exactly what I wanna devour...

Ari: Is that a trick question, Giles?

Sutton: Genuine question.

Hello cocky me.

Ari: Are you on the menu?

Sutton: Lol you wish, I was gonna see whether you wanted to come have room service in my room? I kinda owe you a dinner at least, even if I may not have made it this time. Kinda wanting noodles.

Now she mentions it, I could really go for some noodles too.

Ari: What room you in?

Sutton: 384

Ari: Be there in five.

Yep. Whipped. That's exactly what you are and you're not even dating.

I grab my hoodie and head out to the elevator, taking it up to Sutton's floor. Two above my own so not that far. Knocking on the door I cheerfully call "Room service!" before she throws it open and grabs my top, pulling me inside.

"Ok, I think I like this kind of..."

"My dad is down the hall you idiot!" She hisses, pushing the door closed with one foot.

Could be worse, he could be next door, then we'd really be playing with fire. "Ah yeah I forgot, he doesn't know you're mingling with the enemy". I look down at her and realise we're pretty close. "Oh, and hello by the way".

She lets out a small laugh at this. "Hi".

"So...just to be clear we're talking about room service food and not a euphemism for 'room service'".

"Oh my god Levinson, is having sex with me all that you think about?!" She rolls her eyes and walks further into her room.

I throw my hands up. "Sorry, I forgot that I'm deep within the friendzone..."

Like fuck I am.

"So, we getting food?" She asks, getting the menu and probably wanting to change the subject.

"Sure, noodles right? I think there's a takeout place nearby, could get them to deliver it and have front desk send it up or something?"

Sutton nods and I bring the menu up on my phone, both of us choosing what we want before I call and place the order. "So...well done for another good race today". She says, flopping down on the bed.

"It was a tight one for a while".

"I mean you did have Max practically up your ass for it. You ever considered moving to another team?" She asks.

I shrug, "Not really, but then again I suppose if you asked me again this time next year then I might say differently".


"Maybe I might have a reason to want to move to another team..." I look at her with sincerity, because for her? I'd transfer to Vipera in a heartbeat if it made things between us easier.

Keep your head in the race. You can't have this kind of distraction. It wouldn't make for good press and you know it. Your contract is more important. One false move for her and you're fucked.

Yeah, there's always that in my mind - but it wouldn't even need to be considered if we were discreet about it...

"Oh?" She now looks surprised and I throw her a look that she now realises what I mean. "That would be a big risk..."

"What would?"

"Everything..." She states as she looks at me.

There's a long, painful silence between the pair of us before I move closer to her. "Sutt, just let me kiss you, just on-" I'm cut off as she leans in and presses her lips to mine, and I gladly accept, pulling her onto me while my hands roam. Even through her clothes I can tell she has the perfect body.

"Is it bad that I wanted you to win instead of my own team today?" She pulls away and admits breathlessly.

"Fuck no". I grin and then flip her under me, lips meeting hers once more as I begin to trail my kiss down her chest. She's got the most perfect breasts as well.

Her hands brush against me and I'm immediately hardening at her touch. But she's rushing. She needs to slow it down to enjoy it. "Hey...no rush, we've got all night". I tell her as she nods and shifts under me. As much as I want her in every position possible, I also wanna make her ignite. A quick fuck isn't something I want from her, and I make this known now.

She nods at this. "You might just be the first guy to not want that kind of thing".

"I respect you more than you think Sutt..."

On hearing this she pulls me down again and kisses me hard. "That's quite possibly the hottest thing I've heard come outta your mouth".

"Believe me, this mouth can work wonders when it wants to".

"So show me..."

Holy crap

I think dinner is gonna be going cold once it's been delivered...

Rush (Ari Levinson AU) 18+ - Off Track PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now