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6 Years Later

"Blaire, come here gorgeous". I open my arms out as my daughter runs over to me with her cute  little waddle. She's getting faster, so much so that the other day Ransom was pretty much running the equivalent of a marathon around the house to get her into the bath. He may be fast on the track, but when it comes to our daughter? She wins off it every time. 

"Sutt, Andy's here to see you". Ransom says, coming out into the back yard with his lawyer. 

Andy Barber is one of the best in LA and mainly works with celebrities. He was also Ari's lawyer if I remember rightly, I think Ransom had mentioned that his name had been passed on by him for some legal stuff he wanted sorted. Either way I smile and get up, brushing myself off and going to meet Andy where he's stood next to Ransom. "Hey Andy, how's everything going?"

"Don't get me started, it's LA". He smirks. "Anyway, it's you I came to see actually - got something I need to ask you about".

"Riiight?" I frown as I hand Blaire to Ransom.

He looks at me and shrugs. "I'll leave you guys to talk, and take little lady upstairs for a nap". He kisses her head and then disappears inside the house.

I turn to Andy and gesture for us to sit at the table where we have more shade under the umbrella. He does and gets some papers out of his briefcase. "So I've been approached by a few people actually, asking about the house in Miami that Ari had. It's been sat there for a few years and they're interested in buying it".

"Ok? So what has this got to do with me? I thought Barbara had sorted that when he died?" I frown

Andy shakes his head. "Well no, I assumed that you were going to?" He now sees my blank expression, "wait...ok, I think we're not on the same wave length here. I can't go back to anyone with confirmation as to whether the place is gonna be sold until I have your permission - your name is down on the paperwork as an owner. Didn't he tell you?"

Oh Ari.

A lump rises in my throat. "What?"

Andy now slides the contracts and everything over to me. My name is on there. "He'd said he was gonna have you down on there, just in case anything happened. I thought that was an agreement that you'd made together".

"No". I shake my head. "He must've wanted to wait to tell me, but he never got the chance". I sit back and clamp my hand to my mouth for a moment to take in what's just happened.

He wanted to make sure we still had our place. A place that he loved so much.

"I see, well either way, it's yours to do what you want with, whether that's keeping it or selling it. I'll hold off on the people who are enquiring about it and then you can have some time to think about it. Maybe list it with the guys on Selling Sunset or some shit like that". Andy says and smiles at me. "We all miss him Sutton".

I nod. "I know, can I call you when I decide what I wanna do?"

"Sure thing. I'm heading back to LA tomorrow - got some shit to take care of with the Comptons".

"Cressida Compton? From Living Beverly Hills?" I ask, familiar with just who the family are. They've attended races before and I won't lie. I still love that show.

He smiles as he nods. "The very same".

"Will you be popping up on the show any time soon?" I chuckle.

"I really hope not". He smirks. "I don't do cameras at the best of times, and I've dealt with all sorts in my time".

Getting up he takes his briefcase and then suddenly reaches into his pocket. "Oh, and these were obviously with the paperwork, keys to the house - you might want those too". Passing them to me.

"Thanks Andy, and thanks again for taking care of all this - I'll be in touch". I tell him as I see him out and then look at the keys in my hand. I have a decision to make, but I'm gonna need to go back to Miami and make it.


A week later I turn the keys and walk into the home that Ari and I loved so much. A lot of the larger furniture is still here, just covered up by dust sheets. The pool cover is on but I dread to think of what's under there after not being maintained for so many years. It's all still here, aside from personal belongings. Barbara took a lot of it, while I took the things that meant the most to me and Ari. They're in a box but I haven't looked at them for some time.

I push open the doors that lead to the back yard, the water glinting away as the sunlight hits, the palm trees still swaying away. It's like I haven't been here for a day.

Walking over to the dock, I look back up at the house and to the balcony that led out from our room, taking it all in.

I can't sell this place. I just can't - I've already lost Ari, but this is the only piece that I have left. Ransom understands, he's already said that I need to do what I feel is right - he won't feel any different because Ari meant a lot to him too. Hence why I'm here alone, because this is my decision that I have to make.

This house though? It's like one last gift from Ari, he still wants me to breathe life back into it, to finally heal, and that's what I'm going to do.

Looking up at the sky, I close my eyes and just listen. Feel. Especially with the tears that are now sliding down my cheeks.

"Thanks champ".

And in my mind I can hear his voice one last time.

"Love you Sutt". 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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Rush (Ari Levinson AU) 18+ - Off Track PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now