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Canadian Grand Prix 

After the talk I had with Ari, I surprisingly felt a lot better about taking up dad's offer. I officially begin working for Vipera next season, however at least this one allows me to get some practice in. We've had a few races since our dinner together, but I haven't actually seen or heard from Ari - then again he's been busy.

Now, I'm sitting in hospitality with a latte watching as drivers and their teams arrive, all greeting one another. The weather has held up which is good, as qualifying yesterday was a washout. Today is more important, and dad has high hopes. Seeing the screen of my phone light up out of the corner of my eye, I glance over to read the message. 

Ari: Did you tell your dad you'd take the job? 

Sutton: I did, are you here? 

Ari: I am, why? You wanna come sneak into the dark side of my drivers room?  😜

Sutton: Remember how I agreed to be friends? You're on thin ice

Ari: Shit. What can I do to get off it? 

Get on me? 


Sutton: I'm sure I can think of something - shouldn't you be getting ready? 

Ari: Done my training for today, taking a break before I get out on the track - c'mon Sutt, come see your favourite driver 😛

Sutton: If I do, will you leave me alone? 

Ari: Can't make any promises, you're hard to let go of - haven't seen you for a few races though so could that count as leaving you alone?

I huff and then text him back. 

Sutton: Fine. See you soon.

I head down to the Zephyr hospitality area and look around for anyone watching before I head inside to see Ari. He's lazing on the couch in his room but sits up as I walk in. "I actually didn't think you'd come". He now says. 

"Can't be too long, I've gotta get to the pit". 

"Likewise". He replies. 

He's so much taller than me...

I look up at him and then around his room. "Seems cosy..."

"Could be cosier..." He replies, "you look great by the way, then again you always do". 

"And you look...good". He's got even more muscular for sure. "Your coach had you working out me?" 

"He never fucking stops". Ari rolls his eyes, big arms now crossing over themselves. An awkward silence has come over us both "Least it's not raining though..."

I look back at him and stifle a laugh. "Are you really turning this conversation in the direction of the weather?" 

"What do you wanna talk about then?" He asks, but then his performance coach walks in and stops dead. 

"Ah...I'll come back, just was gonna say they need you to get ready". 

Ari gives him a nod. "Thanks Sammy". 

Sammy gives me a nod to acknowledge me and then walks out. "I'll let you get on, but it was good to see you". I tell Ari, and then kiss his cheek automatically, realising then that I really shouldn't have. 

"Was that for luck?" He smiles.

"I dunno, could've been the kiss of death". 

"I think any kiss from you would be lucky, so I'm gonna take it as that". Ari replies. "And if I win today? Then I guess that would make you my good luck charm - which would mean you'd need to do it before every race..." His look is suggestive. 

I make for the door and shake my head. "Maybe..." 

"You're not saying no, which means you want to". He now says as he follows me. 

"If you lose? It means I'm not the good luck charm, if you win? Then maybe I'll consider helping you out before a race or two..." 

I leave him hanging on that sentence and then make my way through the paddock to the pit area. The team are hard at work, and both Daniel and Curtis are ready go, joking about as they wait to get into the cars.  "Ok, who's better looking? Me or Curtis?" Daniel now asks me. 

"That bin over there". I point to the rubbish can that's at the back of the garage. 

"She's calling us trash". Curtis smirks. 

"Because you both will be if you don't go out there and win". 

Daniel smirks. "If Levinson fucking lets us". 

Why, in the back of my mind, do I kind of want Ari to win this one? 

"Then you need to drive better and not be so shit". I throw back savagely as Daniel acts wounded at this. 

They just laugh and go to get into their cars while I go and find somewhere to get some good pictures as the cars go to line up on the grid. 

The only one that stands out is the one in pole position, and it continues to do so long after the race starts with Zephyr in the lead. 

I guess I am a good luck charm after all, and it only is confirmed later, with the race finished and a text flashing up on my phone that evening. 

Ari: Looks like I was right...

Rush (Ari Levinson AU) 18+ - Off Track PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now