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It's getting harder to lie to my parents and tell them where I am all the time. For a start, I lied and told them that I was heading to Miami early so I could sight see and take pictures, get more inspiration with the camera, when in truth I'm at Ari's getting railed every day and hiding from the world.

We've had a couple of weeks break before this race, plus Ransom's car needed fixing so it was a blessing that they've had the time to do it.

Ari's home at night is perfect, nostalgic of a 1980's summer evening with the sun setting on the water and palm trees. I love sitting out by the pool drinking with him. Sunsets are probably my favourite times that we spend together. He now has a boat as well, so we can head out onto the ocean and spend time on there where no one can really see us.

The media know that he now partly lives in Miami, and he's been pictured a few times out and about, but thankfully no one bothers him here as much as back in the UK.

I zip up my bag, make sure I've got all the things for my camera and then look to Ari who is getting ready for today's race. He was second in qualifying yesterday so there's still a chance that he could win Miami again. "See you there?"

"I'll probably head to hospitality first, see you in there maybe?"

"Sounds good, I love you Champ". I kiss him deeply.

"Love you more Sutt". He grins and then puts his cap on.

I smile at him fondly. "You know, maybe one day when your contract is coming to an end? You could trade that Zephyr hat for Vipera one?"

He grins at this. "After next season, maybe I just might".

"You'd consider moving to Vipera if my dad approached you?" I wasn't expecting him to even consider it. He's been with Zephyr for years.

He shrugs at this. "Time's change, the car we have this season isn't the greatest so if it's similar issues next season, then I will gladly sit down with your dad to discuss things". I know for a fact that my dad would love to have Ari on his team, and even had his eye on Ransom this season as well as a few others. "Also, before you go - there's something I wanna ask you as well".

"Oh yeah?"

"Would you...erm...ever consider this house as a permanent home one day? For us?"

He wants me to move in with him?

"I already do". I admit.

"How'd you feel about perhaps making it permanent once this season is over? At least then we can tell your dad about us, we'd not have press watching us at the track most weeks".

I nod quickly. "Yes".

He looks relieved at this and gives me one last kiss. "See you at the track, love you Sutt".

"Love you too". I tell him again and leave to make my way to track.

Heading into the paddock, I wave to a few people, stop and talk to some other drivers. The atmosphere is thankfully on a high, and I make my way to catering to get a coffee, then sitting down to scroll through my phone a little while. Some of Ari's fans have been making edits to 'Hungry Like The Wolf' ever since he was singing it over his team radio a few weeks back - it's kind of become his signature theme now and to be honest? It fits him perfectly.

Speaking of which, he's here, now walking in and getting an energy drink before he then pretends to act like we're having a friendly encounter. "Hug me and act like we're friends". He leans down as I'm sure people are probably watching, so I do. "Wait for me once the race is over and most people are gone? We can travel back together".

I nod and pretend he's said something funny. "Ok, see you then, good luck". I tell him

He smiles and nods, then giving me a wave as he heads out to go to his drivers room. He's pumped for this race, it's his favourite after all. I see him talking to a few people outside, including Rachel and Sammy, before they walk away.

I'd best go find dad and set up.


I can't tell if it's Ari's car that's having problems or Ransom's - but either way, one of the Zephyr cars is struggling. It could be a brake issue, but it's hard to tell - it's like the car has just given up. "Who is it?" I ask dad as I head over to where he's listening on the radios with the engineers.


"He's gonna be pissed..." Dad turns to me as I realise what I've just said. "I mean, our boys would be too".

Nice save Sutton.

"True, don't know what the problem is though, thank fuck it's not on fire or something more serious. That would've cost them even more". Dad says as he turns back to the monitors, listening as the engineers tell Curtis to push through and explain that Ari's had to retire from the race.

He's going to be incredibly pissed about this - I'll have to try and take his mind off of everything tonight. I look down the pit lane and see him return in the safety car, pulling his helmet off along with his balaclava. Even from his stance I can tell he's not happy, he's shaking his head and now looks at the car as it's brought back, then turning and looking like he's in serious conversation with some engineers.

I want to go to him, run and kiss him in front of everyone without a care in the world - tell him that he'll have his chance to make it up during the next race, because I know he will. This will only make him more determined now.

Curtis wins though, so it's good new for us. I want to celebrate, but Ari's issue has dampened my spirits. I congratulate him all the same but decline going out with everyone tonight as I'd much rather just sit and eat a pizza by the pool with Ari.

I wait for him as promised, through the post race interviews, the media packing away. He eventually texts me to tell me where to meet him and I do so. There's still people clearing away at the track, getting ready to go onto the next location, so we try and avoid them the best we can - that is until Ari stops as we're almost at the exit.

"For fuck sake..."

"What?" I ask as I now see someone turn from where he's on his phone and then hang up. "Who's that?"

Ari looks irritated now as the man now smirks and walks towards us.

"Hey sunshine! Great race..."

Rush (Ari Levinson AU) 18+ - Off Track PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now