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Australian Grand Prix

"I need your help". I poke my head around the door of Ransom's drivers room the next week and he looks put out.

"Better not be covering for your ass again". He grumbles and sits up from where he was relaxing on the sofa.

"Well, kinda - but not in the way you did last time". I walk in and close the door, then getting the box out of my pocket. "Can you hold onto this until the end of the season? I don't trust myself to keep hold of it, knowing me Sutton will find it or I'll lose it".

Ransom sits forward and now opens the box where the engagement ring glints back at us. "Finally gonna make an honest woman of her eh?" He chuckles and then gets his bag. "I'll keep it in this compartment. Do you want it after Abu Dhabi?"

I nod, "Yeah, that should do it, I can't take it back to Miami because knowing Sutt, she'll find it around the house or something". We're staying there next week before the race the week after.

"Ok. I cross my heart that I'll take care of it for you".

"But not to die hopefully". I chuckle and feel some relief wash over me. I would ask sooner but the press will find out and have a field day. It doesn't matter. I can wait . "Thanks Ran, I appreciate it".

"No problem, your Mom coming to Miami?"

I nod. "Yeah, I've managed to get her to come to a couple this year. I won't even bother asking if your family have rocked up yet".

"You know full well they haven't" Ransom rolls his eyes and sits back. "You told her about this?" He holds up the box as he gets it out of the compartment of his bag and then puts it back in again.

I shake my head. "Not yet. Kinda wanna surprise her, so I'm keeping my lips sealed".

"I won't say nothing then". Ransom says and then looks seriously at me. "So...be honest. Are you gonna go drive for Vipera next season?"

I sit down and look at him. "Yeah. I've kept my options open but to be honest Guy is offering a good deal. We talked off record about stuff, and I've told him that I'll see what comes my way, but to be honest? I think it's time for a change".

Ransom nods to himself. "Well hopefully I'll prove myself enough these next couple of years so that I can come join you".

"Who knows, Christian and Red Bull may give you a good deal. I think Daniel may go back to them this year".

"It wouldn't surprise me, anyway I guess that means we're gonna be rivals on the track for real"

You always wanna beat your team mate, but Ransom and I work well together, whether I win or he does. Win together, lose together. "Nah, never. Besides, you've had a good year so far, you keep driving like you are and you're gonna be a world champion. You might just be better than me".

He chuckles. "You just need to retire so the rest of us have that chance".

"Hey, I'm already taking the first step by getting married - well, that's if she says yes".

"You really think she's gonna say no? To you? Get real Levinson".

I shrug at this. "She might".

I've thought about what I'd do if she says no. I'd simply just close the box back up and try again at a more appropriate time if she says she's not ready. She's younger than me, so she might still want a few years before settling down and fully committing. We've talked kids, so I know eventually she wants those too.

I can still drive and still have a life, Guy did.

Yeah, our kids are gonna be stunning.

Now I can picture us with a couple of them, playing in the pool at home, being a real little family. I want it.

Ransom brings me back out of my thoughts. "Well I doubt she will, so stop thinking she's gonna turn you down.

He's right. I've gotta focus on the fact that I've actually even managed to date her and get this far.

Sammy pokes his head around the door. "Hiding in here eh? You need to come do some focus exercises and stuff".

I get up, "fine, anyway see you in the garage". I tell Ransom, "and thanks again".

"Anytime A-Lev". He just waves it off and goes back to listening to his music.

"What was that about?" Sammy asks when we're back in my room.

I shake my head, not wanting to let him in on anything just yet. "Nothing, just a favour he did for me".

Sammy just accepts it and we get to work, ready for the race later.

Rush (Ari Levinson AU) 18+ - Off Track PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now