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Am I pissed that a guy with the long lens got a cheap shot? Yeah, I am - but he's the least of my worries right now as I'm on call with Henrik and my publicist to try and sort this out. 

"You start getting caught up with Sutton Giles then they won't take you seriously anymore, your head needs to stay in the racing".

"It is! You really think I wanna talk about my private life after winning a race? Ok, we may have a few more photographers here and there, but it's not like she's taking my mind off anything - I'm focused, I have been since we started dating. If anything she's good for me. Plus she knows what it's like..." 

Henrik sighs. "I just worry that you're gonna lose yourself. We've quashed retirement rumours before, but now they could be thrown about more, perhaps even you leaving Zephyr for Vipera because it makes sense to be on their team..." 

"You of all people know that I have the media training. I can shut everything that comes my way, down. This is why we didn't want to tell anyone, because we knew just what it could mean". 

"I mean, it's gonna be more publicity for the two teams either way, but it'll always come with speculation in some form".

"Sutton's used to the media. Her dad is Guy Giles for fuck sake. She grew up on the race track and knows how demanding the lifestyle can be. But she's got her job too, and she's separating that from our relationship just as she should. Plus, what's wrong with her supporting both teams? There's no rules that say she can't". 

Henrik gives in. "Ok. Well we've got Rachel with you anyway so anything that's taken out of context we can nip in the bud. I know you had a shitty race yesterday so a win next week will bring a lot of positivity back". 

"To be honest? I'm just glad we can now go out and people know. I don't wanna hide something good in my life". 

"Well, I do have confidence that you know how to handle the press by now, you've had years of practice. I'm also guessing that this is quite serious for you as well..." Henrik now says. 

I'm silent for a moment, because I'm head over heels in love with Sutton, and now that my manager mentions this, I realise just how badly I want us to have the rest of our lives together. "Yeah...it is..." 

"I see, so will there be a certain announcement coming soon?" 

"No". I reply, "At least, not yet. Perhaps after next season is done with then I'll ask her, but right now? We're just at the point of living with one another and enjoying what we have". 

"Ok then, well I guess all I can say is that I hope it works out for you guys". 

"Will you be at next week's race".

"Yeah, I'll be watching, we'll catch up then and perhaps I can finally meet Sutton properly". 

We end the call and I sit back on the chair I'm in on the balcony, looking out to the water. I think Henrik would shit himself if I called back and told him that I'm gonna retire and not leave this house again. 

Sutton now appears and puts her hand on my shoulder. I turn and press a kiss onto her fingers. "You spoke to your dad?" 

"Yeah, it's all good - what about you?" 

"As good as it can get - I know this was a pretty shitty way of people finding out about us but maybe now I can actually take you to dinner without the worry of your dad bursting a nerve or two". 

"He's surprised, but accepts that this is what this is. I think he'd like to meet you properly. The Ari Levinson off the track, not Ari Levinson, world champion F1 driver". She smiles at this. 

"Then I'm happy with whatever you wanna do. I'd say lets go for a drive, but there's a couple of shady vans outside on the road". 

Sutton pauses. "Fuck 'em - you wanna take me out then take me out. Our relationship's already been hard launched so we may as well just go with it. If we're gonna live here? We should make the most of it". 

I get up. "I'll go make a reservation, you get yourself ready. Maybe another photo or two will get them to lay off for a little while". I tell her and then scroll the internet for a restaurant where I can take her. Maybe a rooftop one would be better - less chance of having a long lens pointing through the windows. I make the reservation under a fake name, the last thing I want is an employee tipping off the paps or something. 

I take a shower and get changed into something more fitting for a night out with my girl, then seeing her putting the finishing touches to her make up. "You look like a meal". I nibble at her shoulder as she laughs and then turns to me. 


"Hard to around you, baby". I kiss her shoulder and up to her neck. "You ready to go?" 

She nods. "Let me get my bag". 

I get my keys and wallet, making sure everything's locked up before we drive out. There's a photographer already snapping away, but we ignore him, turning out and heading to Miami beach. A valet takes the car once we arrive, and if any photographers are here then they're thankfully not making themselves fully known. 

"Wow..." Sutton looks around in awe once we're in and seated outside. The view is incredible. "This is amazing..." 

"Anything for my girl". I take her hand from across the table and press a kiss to it. 

She blushes at this, and for the first time today, we feel as though we can finally both relax now knowing that this is public knowledge. We do get looks from people at other tables, but no one comes over to bother us. At least they show some respect. 

I think back to what Henrik said earlier as I watch Sutton sip her wine, and make a promise to myself. Once next season is over and my contract is either renewed or signed with another team, I'm gonna ask her to marry me...

Rush (Ari Levinson AU) 18+ - Off Track PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now