Lola Untold Chapter 1 sneak peek

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Some people like having attention, especially if they work hard and pathetically to get it. But I for one do not. Like the attention that is. I was born in the spotlight, the first born of the Alpha, and Luna. Then of course the twins came after me along with three more after that. I know what your thinking, yes that's a lot of kids. Except I am no longer considered a kid anymore, and I've dreaded this for so long. We are considered adults at sixteen, we go on hunts and missions, join other packs or get married as soon as we can. We live a different life than the humans do. We know from a young age how to act and what we will grow to be but it's all very surreal when it happens. So that is why instead of dancing and celebrating with everyone else, I sat on the lake's shore crisscrossed in the grass, I knew if my mother saw me on the ground she would flip about my dress, though I didn't care much for fancy clothes. I could here howls of laughter coming from the pack house and as I listened carefully I could hear quiet footsteps coming my way. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was.
"Hey." he said, he was standing in front of me with a subtle grin on his face, he knelled down. "Why aren't you up there having fun?" It was my best friend Taft, I'd known him since I could remember. He was always the first person I talked to in the morning and last at night, but we were just friends. I wanted to smile, because I knew that he would eventually follow me down here "Look at you, you're ruining your dress! The first time I see you in a dress and your sitting on the ground pouting." He sticks his hand out.

"I'm not pouting."I take his hand and stand up.

"Then why are you out here?" He keeps hold of my hand and forces me to twirl around.

"You know why I'm out here." I say.

"No I don't, tell me." I let go of his hand.

"I'm nervous, my parents, the pack, and Shawn is up there wait on me to make this stupid speech and thank everyone for coming." Shawn is my mate. A mate is very important for us Wolves, not everyone finds their mate so if you do everyone expects you to stay with them. The problem with us is we've known that we're mates for two years yet he's made no effort to get to know me well and the only thing Shawn likes about me is that he can show me and my title off, which makes me feel like some kind of prize he's won.

"Today is your day you don't have to do anything you don't want!"

Read on in the Companion/Sequel to Luna Unknown titled 'Lola Untold'. The whole first chapter is now up!

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