Chapter 12

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Three days after Luna had gone, I found myself pacing waiting for any contact from her. The problem was our land line rang all the time and there was to way to know who is was on the other end until you picked it up. If it wasn't for you, you simply paged it to who ever it was.  But I never answered the phone. Someone would page me if it was her, and I didn't know what I do if I answered and she wasn't on the other end. I had also tried to call Kaleb's phone, but he wouldn't answer. Sometimes when the anxiousness hit an all time high I would just stand in the spare room that I had begun to call hers, or run pass the bait and tackle, even though I knew they had been avoiding it.  I would even bring my paperwork up stairs  and sit at her desk. But by the seventh day my desire to see her was killing. 

I laid on the futon where she had sat just one week ago, I could smell the sweetness of mint and the sourness of the lemon, it was like anywhere she went her scent was left behind. It was two thirty a.m. I couldn't sleep. Anytime I slept, I dreamed, and the only thing that I dream about was her, it made my heart ache. I sat in the quite dark. Well seemingly quiet, I heard quiet footsteps downstairs, and the buzzing of the washing machine two stories down, the fan on my ceiling and the humming of my fridge. My thoughts continuously drifted back to Luna, which would have been okay in any other circumstance but I missed her so much it pained. I couldn't stand it any longer, I turned the t.v. on. Her being gone didn't seem fair, I'd had waited for months for our meeting, not knowing when or where it'd be. But maybe that was selfish, she probably didn't feel the same way, and she had even asked for time, which I probably would have negotiated if I'd know what it felt like.  The t.v. blocked a lot of noise except the steps of someone walking up the stairs I covered my head with my pillow. I heard rummaging at my door followed by a turn and click. I had no blanket over me so I saw the light from the door and a silhouette of a girl. I sat straight up. 

"How did you-"  she held up a tiny stick, then flipped it around. It was a lollipop.

"Toosie pop."  I could just barely see her smile. "You guys really need better locks."  She walked in, then closed the door. I was speechless, I couldn't manage to form a sentence, so I stood up and hugged her.

"You haven't been gone that long, but I missed you. So much it hurt." I wasn't aware how tight my grip was until she gasped. I let go. "Sorry." she shook her head.

"Look, we don't have a lot of time. About two hours that's it, before Kaleb wakes up and realizes I'm gone."  She turned and searched for the light. The lights flicked on, she turned back and handed me a ball of clothes.  My red and black flannel pajama pants.

"I didn't even realize you took them." 

"Sorry, I just wanted something of yours. " I smiled, then gestured to the futon.

"I've been going back and forth from my bed to the futon. It's like everywhere you are, you leave behind the smell of lemons and mint." she blushed, biting her lip. But it wasn't the cute girl bites her lip, stop admiring me, kind of lip biting it was a nervous one. 

"I've literally been under house arrest for the last week. They aren't mad at you anymore, by the way." I was confused. 

"Then what's wrong?"

"They don't want me to stay here. They're afraid someone might find out." about me. I added in my head.  "But they can't because all of our family live around here." I didn't even realize I was holding my breathe until now. "And my house arrest is offically over after yesterday so I had to come by."  I picked her up and spun her around.

"That's great!" I set her down.

"Believe it or not. I missed you too."  we moved to the futon,  she kicked off her sandy boots. We sat leaning into each other.

Did you run all the way here?

It was worth it, plus I kind of like running. It's like letting out all my built up energy.

"Me too." We sat in silence for a long time. It was a good kind of silence, the kind that I knew she was here, and she knew I was. Like the whole world stopped for us. She was still and I was still, two halves of a whole. 

What if? She asked, I couldn't here her voice inm my heade but the words just  formed and I knew it was her. The way that the words flowed through, was almost girly.

What do you mean? 

What if someone does find out? What do we do then?  I hadn't really thought that much through yet. It was almost as if I was delaying the thought. No one would hurt her, right? That was just cruel and unruly.

You want the truth? 

The truth hurts, but it is the truth.

Tell me about it.

"So what would you do?" She looked up in to my eyes like a scared little girl. 

"The only thing I could do. Fight, then get you as far away as possible." 

"That's what I was afraid of." She sat up no longer leaning on me. "I had a vision, that same vision actually."

I don't want to go into it but, I was happy I'll tell you that. But Then we had to leave. "I don't know when that will happen but it will, and I want to give us a chance."

"So what now?"  I turned to her, she was hugging her knees to her chest. 

"You teach me about Lupus, and we take things slow." she told me matter of factly.

"Sounds good." 

We had decided to start as soon as possible. So I explained some basic things about Lupus like mates, the pack ranks, our rivials. I told her we'd have to get her coyote eyes under control before we got caught, that was when she told me.

"I think I figured it out. Well, I can only do it occasionally but I started practicing since I went home last week. I was scared to death someone would attack me." we had our fingers locked together, and she kept making our hands clasp and unclasp like a game. "They help me see better in the dark though." She shrugged.

In what seemed like the shortest two hours of my life, she had to go. She promised she'd come back soon and I promised I'd be here. The way she looked at me was excruciating, I wanted to touch her at all times, feel her palm on mine, her lips on my lips. I thought about when I was introduce her to my mom, I knew she would love that. Both of them would, my mom had always wanted a daughter, and I was sure Luna needed a mother figure, to go to. My parents would be coming back next week. I kind of felt nervous, I'd never had a girlfriend to introduce to my parents before. What was I supposed to do? Say 'Hey look this girl is my soulmate, we are going to take over your lead positions in the pack and live in your old apartment. Not to mention she could get us all killed.' But I didn't want to think about that last one. It was one thing to say we could keep a secret, but it was another thing to actually keep it, the less people that knew, the better. 

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