"Here us out." The girl said as she stepped forward, her long dark hair tied in a low pony to the side.
"I saw you die." Sorry.
It's okay, I'm just as confused as you. Luna replied shock still.
"No you didn't and we can explain." They each walked forward closing the door behind them.
"What in the-" Tala walked forward and examined the girl. Everyone was shocked.
"I've gone crazy." Luna announced. "You're a ghost." she stated, as she just stood waiting for their revenge.
"I know you don't really know me but, do you actually think I'd let Colton get a hold of the real me?"
"The real you?" Luna had no logical theories as to how her sister had come back, or Carter who had bled out from a stab wound.
"Do you mind if we bring in some friends?" Carter asked. Not even five minutes later there was a knock on the door.
Carter turned and let in three strangers. One girl, two guys. They each nodded as they walked past Carter and Celeste. Each person wore identical clothing, a solid black t-shirt, black pants with extra pockets, and a small pack on their backs. Carter gestured to each person as he introduced them. "Bern." The guy smirked. He had light brown skin and longer dark messy hair, and his eyes were a light blue. "Penelope, but we all call her Penn." The girl was all fair. She had tan colored freckles across her nose and light hair. Her eyes seemed to be the same color as her freckles, so light brown they were almost like sand. "Ari." Ari had deep brown eyes and dark brown hair, he looked bored and aloof.
"My best Betas." Carter finished. "Oh, and before I forget you shouldn't punish Ariana." he paused "She was helping us, not them." He turned back to the door as if expecting- "Can I come in?" Carter opened the door, and in walked a familar face for Neal and Brady. Brady stepped forward.
"Daily? Daily Carrington?" Daily strutted in with grace, she had always reminded Neal of Belle from Beauty in the Beast, with her curly brown hair and love of the color yellow.
"In the flesh." she winked at Brady, but continued and stood by the others side. She too was wearing all black, with made her look tough instead of a Disney princess.
"I see you've already met." Neal and Brady looked confused while Luna stood staring at Celeste unable to figure out if it was all just a dream. Carter clapped his hands together. "Questions?"
"I wouldn't know what to ask." Neal replied stepping forward.
"Well then I guess it time to clear things up."
Carter explained everything, with Celeste pitching in at times. They had formed a secret pack of skin-walkers and special shifters, as a rival pack to fight against The Canis Warriors. Carter really was Colton's brother and that was why he contacted Celeste before he had gotten to her first. Colton knew nothing of Carter being a skin-walker or his secret pack. Celeste had been purposely captured so she would be able to be there when Luna woke from being changed. It was all part of their plan when Fake Carter had come in, except for Luna burning him. Celeste taking the keys, the message. Then finding Tala, Tala hadn't know them but they knew who Tala was. Carter had known Luna's old best friend was in the pack and knew she might help, it was no coincidence Celeste had pushed Luna to unlock that door to Tala's room. When they had tried to escape Fake Celeste appeared, that had been Maya with the blonde hair and blue eyes in the hall. Maya had quickly changed to Celeste a quick second before Colton had appeared. Meanwhile Fake Carter who was actually Clayton 'Clay' for short, had done half of his job and signalled Real Carter to get Neal. When Real Carter brought Neal back he quickly switched with Clay and things went wrong from there. They were going to explain a little bit to Neal and get him to help the other escape, but Colton had other plans. Luna got teary eyed and leaned on to Neal's shoulder.
"They knew they could be killed, that was their whole purpose." Celeste told her. So the people who had been killed, had volunteered to do so. Luna though, but she still felt bad, instead of killing two people she knew she had killed two strangers. That was even worse! She felt dizzy so she lean in on Neal more and a hand pressing against the wall for support. Things were going to get a lot more complicated or much easier and Luna couldn't decide what it would be.
I just stared at Carter as he talked, here I had thought he had been a nobody who needed a pack while he was actually building up a pack of his own to stop Colton from hurting anyone, and I had finally realised how Colton was controlling Luna. Carter was a skin-walker, which meant he was related to another skin-walker, but instead of Colton being a skin-walker he was psychic. He could control people and move things, it had been a mess of genetics that had gifted him his abilities, and all he wanted was power. If he had Luna kill Celeste she would become more powerful. Her elemtist powers she had talked to him about last night would become stronger and he could use her to become a King Alpha. If there was such a thing.
I noticed Brady's eye always looking over at Daily, he had always liked her. Come to think of it I hadn't seen Daily for a while I wondered why I never actually noticed her absence.
Watch out you might start drooling. I teased, but I knew Daily liked him back. Brady wasn't the cutest guy, or the smartest, but him and Daily had always gotten along and been friends.
"So now what?" I asked Carter.
"We know that he figured out that we aren't actually dead, because when any shifter dies they change back to there actual selves." That girl Maya must've changed back after they had taken her out of the room, same with Clayton. "So we have to be caution when we sneak back in."
"And then what?" Neal pushed.
"We'll get to that soon enough, in the mean time we needed somewhere to go. And I advise you keep everyone in the pack house because we're pretty sure they'll be coming soon. That's when we leave."
Does that girls name ring a bell? Did you actually think I'd mention someone and they not have a role in the book? Haha funny. Also, did I have you fooled? I would never kill a character you barely know, maybe. Comment down below and don't forget to vote! Every vote counts!
Also I'm thinking of having a contest! I will need some random names because of the Skin-walker pack. Sadly I don't think these characters will do much because they are more of background people but if you'd like your name or a suggestion to be placed in the book Comment down below and Follow me! I always follow back :) ~M
Luna Unknown
WerewolfFirst Neal must find his mate whom he's dreamt about several times now, then he must help her learn about her family and then fight to keep her safe... A story about a boy with too much charm, that is truly a hopeless romantic, and looking for his...