Chapter 28

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"You're not trying." Celeste pushed.

"Yes, I am." Luna let out a frustrated grunt. She had now realized how impatient Celeste was. No matter how many times she tried to create a rope of wolf's bane it always came out as a tiny wolf's bane flower. Elementist powers work on instinct, that was how she had blocked the doors last night, she did it without thinking about it, but now no matter how hard she concentrated, she couldn't do it properly.  

"Just focus."

"I can't focus with all these people standing around watching me!" Luna sighed. "It's too much pressure."

"Well you're gonna have to learn, and quick." Yeah and you'll be the first one I wrap up. Luna thought. She took a deep breath and relaxed her muscles, her eyes closed gently. Her hand made a motion like pulling play dough apart. She dropped what she was doing when she heard a clap from Celeste. 

"See!" Luna opened her eyes and looked down where a piece of the wolf's bane rope had fallen to the floor, along with a clump of dirt that always appeared. 'Great.' she wiped the mess off her jeans.   She smiled and looked up at Neal who was leaning against the wall across from her, she sat criss cross on the ground in the dining room where people had given them some space.  He smiled back.  Now do you think you'll be able to tie him up fast?" Celeste asked.

Luna sighed "Let's do it again."

After what felt like a million tries Luna had gotten the Wolf's bane rope down pat, and Celeste disappeared with Carter into the kitchen, which was the only room in which people weren't crowded in. Members of Carter's pack stood in a group unintentionally, some were reorganizing their packs, or talking to one another. Luna wanted to meet them because they were so much like her, different. Everyone in his pack were skin-walkers, some had special abilities others didn't. 

"Hi." Hale walked up and smacked Luna's arm in greeting. She had a pretty face, and her hair was the color of a cherry. "I'm Hale, skin-walker like you, but I have visions of the future." when she said future her eyebrows popped up in excitement. 


"Well it's hardly as fasinating as an Elementist." she smiled.

"Yeah, but I don't know how to use it."  Luna explained, and Hale shrugged it off.

"It takes time, I used to only see visions of the future and not know who it went to but now I can see it whenever I want. It's like every person has thousands of doors, and every little detail that changes, changes their future. So it's like knowing multiple endings but not being able to know which one will really happen." Hale seemed to like to tell everyone about herself and Luna liked it. She had only ever met  Celeste and Carter, then again Carter didn't do anything special like them. 

"That's amazing!" Luna said.

"And when I read you two, every possible ending always leads to something happy in the end. Whether it's in the near future or not." both Luna and Neal smiled, Neal hugged her tighter in their side hug. 

"I see you've gotten to know Hale, she likes to show off." Brett walked up and stood next to her. He was about a foot and a half taller than her. 

"You're just jealous because you have nothing to show off but your hair." she told him, her eyebrow shot up when she smirked as if to say 'I win.'

"Yeah whatever, how about the fact that I can shift to a jackal? That's cool, right?" he looked around. Luna laughed. "Kade! Come here!" He called over the the blond standing near the door. Kade pranced over and shook Luna and Neal's hands. 

"Kade, and am a skin-walker but I changed by myself, into a fox." 

"Also known as as Mr. Hot shot." Hale laughed.

"You are quite fasinating, you and your sister." Kade said with his accent, that Neal thought sounded snotty.

Luna asked them thousands of questions about skin-walkers, adding knowledge of the shifter she was. They were laughing and joking, Luna was just getting to know them when Carter burst back in. Celeste said some words neither Luna or Neal could hear and kissed him, her face pained. Luna wondered if they were together.

"They're here." He announced.  

 I'm so sorry this chapter took so long to write, I'm still pissed that Wattpad didn't save my other because I loved it so much and had a hard time rewriting it and it's not neaerly as perfect :(


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