Chapter 21

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I didn't know silence could be so loud. I could still hear the ring of the knife sliding against the girl's skin. 

"What have you done?!" I shout. It was mainly for Luna but it was directed at Colton. Luna wasn't a killer, I knew her. That made me think, did I really know her at all? She never talked about herself, not really. 

"Won't you trust me?" she walks slowly towards me dropping the knife with her numb fingers. Her voice was different, higher, fake.  I turned to Carter, he was looking down arms behind his back. I looked back at Luna her eyes sparked a bright blue, her arms reached out and grabbed my shoulders. She shook me. 

"What is wrong with you?"  I scream. The other girls muffled screams echoed against the walls, she trashed and struggled to break free. 

"Nothing, why can't you just help me? Help us?"  

"Us?" she bit her bottom lip, her hand moved to my chest. The chill in the air went away, I felt a hot tingling from her hand, it started to burn. She pushed me against the wall smoke formed on my chest, the pain was unbearable. I sunk down, sucking in my breath. "Stop!" she didn't. My eyes opened, she was staring right into them for a second I could swear her expression was pained but now she looked ready to kill. 

"You can help us, I won't have to kill you." a killing smile formed, her hair tickled my face as she leaned down. 

"Enough!" Colton moved Luna away, I stood taller pain still aching in my chest. My heart and the searing pain from her hand. Colton whispered into Luna's ear, she turned and for a second she stared at his face, then they kissed. He moved in first. I jumped up and punched Colton, he barely moved. He turned to me and grabbed my throat. I choked, his grip was tight. he pushed me back in the opposite direction slightly but I kept moving. I hit the wall and the air was knocked out of my lungs. My vision went black as I fell. The only thing I could do was listen.

"I knew you'd end up betraying me, but before you die, thanks I can use him too." I heard the crack of what I assumed to be Carters neck breaking. I felt like cringing but my body was still. Suddenly I felt tired, all I could think about was sleeping. Sleep is good, I thought. Sleep is nice, lets you escape your normal life for a couple short hours.

I woke tied to the chair that I saw that girl get killed in. I thrashed and moved the ropes too tight. Wait, rope? I looked down at my wrists where I felt a burning sensation like Luna's hand. Wolf's bane rope.  I tried screaming but  the gag they had tied around my face choked me every time I did.  The girl beside me had managed to slip her gag off.

"So you're the famous Neal, Luna's been talking about." I nod. That wasn't my Luna, I thought. "Try to get it off with your tongue I eventually did." she said referencing my gag.  The room was quiet and we were left alone, a bare bulb above us our only source of light. I eventually blacked out again from the wolf's banes poison.

Sorry this is an extremely short chapter, but I wanted to upload something today. The truth is every time I write/ type my left hand feels funny, numb even. I don't like it. I think I should figure out whats up with it, it's shaky and I really don't like the feeling, it kind of scares me. But please enjoy this chapter I will hopefully update more soon! Plus I am please to announce there is only 10 chapters left in this book and I am currently working on a concept for the companion novel so stay tuned!!!! ~Makayla 

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