Chapter 22

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Wolf's bane is almost like dry ice except poison for werewolves. It burns and it weakens you. I was tied at the waist, my wrists, my ankles, and knees. In half an hour I managed to loosen my gag enough to talk.

"Why are you here?" I ask the girl my voice gravelly.

"Oh yeah I forgot you aren't caught up." She tried to move her chair towards me but she wasn't getting anywhere. "I'm Tala, heard about me?"

"Yeah, somewhat. How'd they get you here?"

"I was kind of already here, as in he's my alpha, was." she threw her head back.

"Watch it, you might fall back." she rolled her eyes. "He's your alpha, huh? And you let him take your best friend." I looked away examining the room. Blood stained the floor and wall. I glanced down at my shirt, there was a black peeling handprint. I could feel the welt throbbing from the pain of the burn and wolf's bane wrapped over it.  

"I didn't know it was her, okay? I even tried to help them escape, but we got caught."


"Luna and Celeste."  I have never in my life heard that name. Celeste, exotic and strange. 

"Who?" she didn't let me finish.

"Should I just tell you his plan?" 

Colton needed Luna to kill someone she loved, preferably someone who shared her blood. That would be Celeste, so Luna's powers would get stronger and he could use her for his bigger plan. His plan to have to largest, most feared pack in well, I guess everywhere. He had abilities no one has ever seen or faced before. He did not age over eighteen, and he can manipulate your mind. I felt bad, Luna was basically trapped in her own body unable to control what she was doing.  "That explains a lot. How does he have mind control? I thought that was just a made up super power."

"Seriously? You're a werewolf."

"Well there's a limit were people draw the line between real and fake." 

"I don't know how, just that he can and will to get whatever he wants. Not only that, he's psychic he can move things too."

"So why doesn't he just manipulate everyone to think he's the big bad wolf?" 

"I don't know, why don't you ask him yourself when he comes in here to get Luna to kill again."

"I'm good." I swallowed. I tried to move my fingers but my hands felt cold and numb, the ropes were too tight. If that had been regular rope we'd have been out of there within seconds but wolf's bane was a good move on Colton's part. Wait, did I just... I did. Then curiousity hit me. "Who tied us up?" 

"Luna, she's immune. I mean that's the only thing I can think of, it doesn't even faze her, which is weird considering it is poisonous to humans too." Tala's voice was raw and it sounded like she hadn't anything to drink for days. I heard foot steps near the door. I tilted my head, Luna's hand shaped welt on my chest burned as I moved just slightly. Tap, tap, tap. Someone knocked and threw the door open.  Luna hit the ground as soon as the door slammed back shut.


"You actually think she can hear you? Colton probably sent her in here to kill us or trick us." Tala was fustrating me.

"She's hurt!" I protest. My mind couldn't comprehend the fact that I shouldn't trust anything Luna did right now but I couldn't help her. She was forced to murder her sister, that wasn't her, the thought that she could kill me didn't strike as a threat at the moment, and what was most upsetting is that she is possibly could never be the same person and that she was probably driven crazy on the inside. But nothing she had done or was forced to do passed my mind, all I cared about was that she needed me and I was finally able to. 

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