Chapter 11

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When I got to the top I could see footprints in the carpet, a maid must've vacuumed. My door was wide open and I could hear her sobs from the hall. I wondered if anyone else could. I walked in my apartment and closed the door softly.

"You're an idiot!" I looked around.

"Okay, maybe going to the Elders didn't go as planned, but you got some answers." I told her, I found her on the floor in my bathroom, I was so glad it was actually clean. She had a wet hand towel over her eyes.

"I've already lost both sets of parents, that I have, and now they are basically telling my if I have a child, my whole family, " she glared at me. "could get killed and it'd all be on me."  she dropped the cloth. "It's bullshit! Do you know what like to hear that? What it feels like to know that? That's like saying you murdered the only people you have in your life! And I'm already down low on family." I leaned in for a hug. "No. You dont understand,  because you're not a girl" she turned her head to the toilet, one hand on her temple. "I'm gonna be sick."  within seconds her face was green and she threw up.

Five minutes later after all the coughing and gagging stopped she walked out, her face was pale and she looked weak. I helped her to the futon and brought her some ice water. I sat down on the other end. Her feet moved to my lap.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to do." I told her, we were both staring at the ceiling.

"I'm fine, it's just running after eating, plus stress, is not a good combination." she had her arm over her eyes now, her body turned facing the back part of the futon.

"I understand." I grabbed her resting hand. "I get what you mean though, I promise I won't let anyone hurt you." 

"I'm so sorry, I've been such a melodramatic teenage girl for the whole two days I've known you." 

"You shouldn't be and I don't care. Look you had your reasons and you keep it to yourself  for a long time, and you just blew up." 

"It's just so much has happened in these last months, that I just don't know if I can handle any more surprises." 

"Do you not realise that everyone is waiting to get a new Luna?" her arm moved from her face'huh?' "It's the reason no one has asked questions and have just let things be. Packs tend to treat their Luna like their best friend, their mom, and the person who you could ask anything too. They want that again, I can tell." 

"I told you I-"

"Before you protest might I remind you that my parents got married within a week of meeting each other." 

"You never told me about that." she sat up, with a questioning look. "Before you say anything. I need to ask, do you have any pajama pants? These jeans are really uncomfortable." We both started to laugh. I liked that a lot more than not being able to help her with other things. I nodded.  I went to my closet and found my smallest pair of pajama pants, they were red and black flannel. I handed them to her, and she walked to the bathroom to change. I took a couple steps into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee.

"Do you want any coffee?" I asked as she walked out throwing her jeans on a chair by the breakfast table. 

"I don't drink coffee, you have any lemons?"  

"Don't take this in a weird way but yes I do, I kept lemons and mint around to try and mimic your scent. It was never the same." I sighed, then opened my fridge. I handed her a lemon. 

"That's kind of weird and cute at the same time." she laughed "Knives?" 

"Over there." I pointed to the drawer they were in. I watched as she cut the lemon into discs then set them in a mug of hot water. We both drifted back to the couch, where I sipped my coffee and she drank her lemon water. 

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