Chapter 27

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Carter had won me and everyone over. We let in the rest of his pack which was only about twenty five people, and I only caught a couple names. There was Kade who was tall and blonde,  Hale was a stubby girl who was fairly cute, Brett who was all dark. There were others of different shape and size who stood in the dining room. We had moved the table against the wall and gathered around. 

"So you think they are just trying to get Luna?"

"Yes, so when we are gone and they figure out she's not here, they'll leave." Carter explained, I nodded. 

"So we just wait?" 

"You're getting it now." he smirked. Kade came up to Carter and whispered into his ear. Carter would nod and whisper back, Celeste walked up from talking to Luna and started whispering with them. I moved toward Luna. We stood side by side, not even looking at each other just staring at the people in front of us. 

We can't just go in and slaughter him. Luna said

We don't have a choice, he'll go after more skin-walkers.  She sighed and looked up at me.

"I'll be back."  She started to turn but I caught her arm and pulled her back. I gave her a peck on the cheek and she continued on her way into the kitchen. She was probably starving, I had totally forgotten about eating, I would probably throw up. I didn't know the plan but I knew Luna would have to come and the thought that she could get hurt made me sick.

"The plan is ready to be discussed." Carter announced, and I turned his way. I walked up to him and he told everyone the plan. We would take his pack, Me, Brady and three of my guys, Blake, Muraco, and Storm. We would also bring along Kaleb letting my parents take care of the pack and most likely Suki too. If we found her.

"I've been looking for you!" speak of the devil, Luna ran up to Suki who was standing with one of my Omegas, Ryan. She introduced him to Luna, but I turned back to Carter.

"Why can't I help you and be near Luna?"

"I knew you were going to protest, because this is the plan and we are sticking to it."  I didn't try to protest again because I feared he'd make me stay behind. Luna was supposed to find Colton and trick him into believing she truly wanted to come back, then tie him up, after that Carter, will burst in with Kaleb, Storm, Muraco, and Blake. I knew they wouldn't let her get hurt but I wanted to be with them just in case, but Carter wouldn't budge. Celeste would stay watch by the door and I would stay watch just above her next to the level two door, so we could communicate if needed. The rest of Carter's pack would be scattered around, some on watch others to fight off gaurds and other pack members. It was a pretty great plan, better than running in and not knowing what to do.  

"Are you okay with this?" I ask Luna.

"Not really, but it has to be done." 

I gave her a hug knowing she didn't like the idea of Colton being killed even if he had done a lot of bad things. I looked up and noticed how Suki had been hanging around Ryan a lot, and decided to talk to them.

"Haven't seen you in a while, Ryan." I nodded to him. "I see you've met Luna's cousin Suki."

"Yep, she's a very captivating person." Suki blushed, she liked him. I could see it as she stared at him. 

"He calmed me down after you were taken, we've been talking ever since." Luna made a 'Hmph' and laughed. 

"Glad to see there was an upside to me being gone." she joked.

I turned to Luna and took her hand "Hey, why don't we find some breakfast." she hesitantly followed me into the kitchen where Ariana stood giving me an evil eye. I started to apologize about the whole 'you're a trader.' thing but she turned and left the room. Okay then. We make our way to the fridge and glance inside. 

"What do you feel like?"

"Something simple." she replied lazily. I nodded and opened the freezer. I pulled out a plastic bag of frozen waffles, I held it up. She nodded. I selected one for each of us, then set them in the toaster. I turned the dial and pushed down on the lever. I started to open the cabinet to get peanut butter, but turned back to Luna.

"Syrup?" I asked, she shook her head.

"You have any peanut butter?" I smiled at her.

"You read my mind, that's how I like mine too." Luna stood awkwardly, looking around at the decor, which was mostly fruit, fake fruit, and pictures of fruit, that my mother had decorated the kitchen with. It hit me that she didn't really know where anything was. I'll need to give her a tour of the place. I thought. "Can you get a knife?" 

"Yeah, uh." she looked around frantically moving her arms a bit as she pointed in each direction.

"To your right, down, over, yep that one." I told her as I selected two plates from the cabinet across the isle. She handed me the knife right as the waffles popped up. She jumped a bit. Oh yeah...

Everything's loud huh?

Pretty much. she answered. I picked up the hot waffles and threw them on the two plates. I spread the peanut butter on each of them then slid one of the plates to Luna. She turned and caught it in time, before it fell. We both laughed. 

Before long, we stood in the kitchen and talked even after eating. Everything felt normal again, well as normal as a werewolf's life could be. I still liked it when me and Luna just talked about normal things a normal teenage couple would talk about. Wait were we couple again? Yes, I was sure.  We talked about how Suki was scrabbling for words to say because she was too busy looking at Ryan, or that I was sure Brady would be all about Daily for the next week or so, and Luna told me more about Tala.

"We met on the playground, in second grade."

"Please elaborate, I'd like to know about second grade, you." she smiled.

"Well, the slide on our playground was broken, so everyone fought to get in the swings. But I didn't care much for either really, and so I sat next to the sand box, I think. Minding my own business when BOOM! Tala showed up."

 "So she just walked up to you?" I asked.

"No she fell on me, she jumped off the swings, and after we were both sent to the nurse- she had a bruise and cut knee and I needed an ice pack for the bump that had formed on my head. We just started hanging out, she's always been my best friend."

"Interesting, you know how I met Brady?" she gave a smirk and asked 'How?' "He wouldn't touch the worms, to bait the fishing poles down at the lake so I put one down his shirt. It hilarious and since we were all like six ,everyone thought it was the best prank ever. " We both started laughing and making comparisions of ourselves, we Celeste walked in.

"I need to borrow your girlfriend," she turned to Luna "I need to teach you some things before we leave." Luna glanced back at me and I told her to 'go ahead.'  

Dun dun dun...... Four more chapters to go! I'm so excited to reveal all the wonders and secrets that I have been waiting to write for so long! I cant believe I just started this book in October and I'm almost done! Not to mention all of the views and the peeps who take the time to vote on each chapter! Love y'all! ~M

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