Chapter 18

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Again Wattpad glitched and didn't save the last part of the chapter! Start reading at "It's a she." So Sorry! ~Makayla

Calm before the storm. That's what our whole weekend was. The whole reservation was frantic, as the car pulled into Garnett Oaks at nearly one in the morning. No one was asleep.

Stay in the car.


Stay in the goddamn car!

I jumped out of the car. "Lock the doors don't let her out." I told my dad, he nodded. Brady ran out of the pack house. "What the hell is going on!"

"They attacked, the reservation a couple hours ago."


"Colton, and his Canis warriors."

"Canis Warriors?"

"That's what their calling themselves." People were still hysterical, some screaming, some hiding in their houses or the pack house.

"What exactly happened?"

"They burnt another shed, we thought it was someone playing a joke but it was a distraction. While we delt with putting out the fire, they had people raiding houses and they tore up the pack house. Specifically your apartment. But they mean serious business. "

"What do you mean?" Brady and I moved somewhere no one could hear us.

"Several people including Cress got hurt, and I can't find Carter anywhere I think they took him. And they left this." Brady hesitantly handed me a crumpled and torn piece of paper.

It wasn't hard to figure out your little secret. If you would have taken your eyes off her, you would have noticed we had several spies. We know who her mother is we just needed the girl, thanks for finding her for me. Oh and did you think that we didn't notice how weird she acted? Or her glowing blue eyes that just make you want to faint? You don't keep secrets well. C.R Canis Warriors

They know who her mother is? Why do they even want her, how could her ability be any good to them? My thoughts were interupted by high pitched screams. Girly screams. If I listened closely they formed words.

"Help! Car-er! It's Carter! Neal!" I ran back to the car. A fire broke out infront of me. I could just barely see someone - Carter- carrying Luna away.

Luna! she didn't answer. "Luna! Carter I will find you! You'll be dead!" I looked around, the fire surrounded me. "Mom! Get out of the car! Get out! Dad! Somebody!" I turned as water sprayed my face. I fell to my knees. I was shaking. "Chase after him!" people stood around me. I jumped up and ran. I ran in the direction I thought they'd gone in.

"Please don't do this, you don't know what could happen." Luna's soft voice pleaded.

"Oh shut up." this voice was new and annoyed. I crept behind a tree, there in the clearing was Luna the lace on her dress coming off some of it wasn't even attached anymore, strings hung down. Carter was holding Luna's arms behind her, and she was kicking.

Luna!no answer, not even an acknowledgement. I wondered if she'd blocked me out.

"Please, no!"she squrmmed and squealed like someone was about to put a bug on her. Carter stumbled but then held her steady. She now had four claw marks cut into her dress and stomach. The fabric was absorbing a lot of the blood but it was still oozing and she was wincing.

"Hold her still!" the guy said.

"Colton, what if she dies?" that was Colton? I'd only ever heard of him never seen him.

"Then she dies? What do you want me to try to resurect her?"

"No" Carter mumbled. Colton jerked Luna's arm and right as I ran from behind the tree his teeth sunk in and ripped the skin on her shoulder. Luna's scream was like I;d never heard loud and in pain "No!" I screamed so loud my lungs felt like they could explode. Her body fell to the ground gravity shoving her with a thump, she passed out from the pain. Her body flinching on the ground. I wasn't as close as I'd thought. Colton picked her up and took her, I couldn't run anymore, I fell by the time I got to the clearing. I lay where she had fallen and curled into a ball.

Brady came running up what felt like minutes later. I was on my knees, leaning in front of me feeling sick. I coughed and choked. "If she dies its all on you, because I won't be able to control myself." my breathing was heavy, I was mad. She could die.

"Brady did you-"

"He's right here." Brady shed a couple tears. "I tried Neal, I did. I tried to keep them away."

"We need to figure out why they want her and where they are." Muraco said from behind us.

"And you have any ideas on that?" I said angrily.

"Actually yes, we caught one of their spies." I perked up.

"Where is he?" he sighed

"It"s a she."

"What?" I turned to Brady. "No, no, no! No just, she wouldn't help them. No there is no way."


"No! I refuse to believe she had anything to do with the 'Canis Warriors'."

"She even admitted that she helped them." I shook my head, how could someone I'd known almost my whole life betray me like this? Not just me but the whole pack! Muraco, Storm, and Blake dragged the frantic woman to my office where they stood gaurd inside with her. I hesitantly walked to the door. "I'm sorry! Please let me go!" As I walked in I could see her long pin-straight black hair, her famous smile was gone and she no longer wore an apron and her knees were bloody as if she'd been dragged from outside and she had burn marks on her arm. I slammed the door and she stood stock still.

"Storm, Blake. Go help my mother and father."

"But we aren't-"

" I know you're not healers but do as I said." I held my arm toward the door. "Out!" they nodded and Muraco, the strongest of them held on to the woman tightly. I circled her, she looked down ashamed.

"Ariana." I sat on the edge on my desk arms folded like I was about to give an ultimatum, which I was. I bit my lip so I wouldn't yell. "Tell me everything you know about the Canis Warriors."

Ariana didn't know, or want to tell us any thing of use. But she did know what Colton wanted. He needed Luna so he could change her and trigger her powers. Her father was an Elementist, and her mother a skin-walker. Apparently if she lived from the bite she could be of a lot of use to him. That's all she knew. 


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