Chapter 4

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Lemons and mint. It sounded crazy, but if you ever smelt it, it would be an instant favorite scent. The slight tickle of a scent was sweet and sour at the same time, mixed with the smallest amount of mint that made you feel light and fresh.  I had been craving that scent since I'd seen my Luna. That's what I'd been calling her.  Not out loud of course but in my head, she was my Luna I just need to find her. When I'd gotten back to Garnet-Oaks yesterday, and after Ariana's ultimatum I'd started writing down any possible leads or ways to find my Luna. Now that I'd seen her face in person I was able to describe her better, and the first thing I needed to do was have dinner with Kiyiya.

I had just arrived in White Rock with an entourage betas. Neither my mother or father had come because I didn't want any help or any distractions. Well any more than what was already on my mind. Only an hour after delivering my letter to Kiyaiya, I'd received a card with the next days date, a time, and where. So here I was ready to talk about a possible alliance between our two reservations and all I could think about was my Luna. How selfish is that? I could possibly gain a whole new brotherhood from this pack, and all I could think about was a girl!  I lifted my hand to the door knocker and knocked three times, not two seconds later a guy, maybe nineteen answered the door his eyes glowed blue. Beta.

"Ah! Welcome, Kiyiya has been expecting you." he flashed a smile and started to guide us through the house, not even looking back to see if we all followed. He stopped in the door way of what looked like the dining room.

"What's your name beta?" I asked noticeably sizing him up. 

"Jaxson" he turned and walked into the grand dining room.  The room had large windows, with dark brown curtains, and it had a classic A frame, cathedral ceiling. I looked down to see Kiyiya sitting in the end seat so I sat directly across on the other end, five seats between each other.  I don't know what I would have done if I'd brought for than five pack members but I was glad I didn't find out, because all I needed on my mind was this dinner and this dinner only. I glanced at Kiyiya he looked alot younger than he was, which was twenty six. As soon as we all sat five of Kiyiya's pack members sat across from my pack members. I noticed as they all sat not only did I recognize Jaxon sitting two seats away from me but on his right only a seat away from me was Kaleb. What was he doing here? He was just an Omega! He must have noticed my questioning look because he gave me a mischievous smile and showed me his wolf eyes. They had changed to from green to blue since yesterday. Or at least I thought it was yesterday, I didn't really pay attention to his eye color, but they were defiantly green in October. I raised an eyebrow in question but he just turned to look at Kiyiya.

After a dinner of deal making and endless talking Kiyiya and I agreed to form an alliance between our packs and agreed to protect our younger shifters from the world of werewolves. Even though our Reservations mainly housed werewolves not everyone shifts, so they are usually told after they shift for the first time about our abilities. I had told all of my betas to go home so I could talk to Kaleb on my own. We were now standing next to a large oak tree outside in the in between stage of day to night. Twilight. 

"Where did you go for two months?" I asked.

"I had family issues I needed to work out." he said, almost to quickly, like it was rehearsed.

"Cut it out. I'm an Alpha answer me."

"You're still not my Alpha." he shot back, and I was stunned. Kaleb may have been older than me at twenty but I was the one with authority. He crossed his arms, I gave up the tough act and sighed.

"Who was that girl outside the bait and tackle?" As soon as I'd asked him he looked paranoid and an uneasy feeling crossed over me, but he could have just been stubborn. I uncrossed my arms and they slapped to my sides.  

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