You... have a what!? Part 1

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Ship - Soukoku

Timeline - Season Four

Includes - bit of Fluff

Dazai's POV : It's just another day at the Detective Agency, I was 10 minutes late to work today so Kunikida was at my throat while Atsushi tried to calm him down.

Atsushi : Kunikida please... Stop strangling Dazai for just a minute... Maybe he had a reason why-

Kunikida : What could have possibly made him be this late!!

Atsushi : I.. don't know... maybe

Dazai : Sorry Kunikida I just forgot my alarm this morning that's all~

Kunikida : Well check before you go to bed next time! and you have work to do!!

Dazai : Ugh fine

When Kunikida finally let go of me I walked over to my desk with Atsushi right behind me, as I sat down there was a piece of paper on my desk with a whole bunch of questions on it.

Dazai : Hmh?

Atsushi : Hey um Kunikida, What is this paper on our desks?

Kunikida : Oh that sheet of paper is a paper that everyone in the Detective Agency has to fill out every year, It's a paper with your information so we can contact you and know your location when there's an emergency or something.

Ranpo : Do we really have to do this, this early in the morning?

Kunikida : Yes Ranpo!! It's better to get it done now then later!!

Ranpo : Hmm fine!

Everyone started filling out their papers, but I didn't feel like doing it so I looked at Atsushi, maybe he could just do it for me!

Dazai : Hey~ Atsushi-Kun~?

Atsushi : No Dazai, I won't do it for you.

Dazai : Huh? Why not?

Atsushi : Because there are questions on here that only you would know, like for example a question is, your address, your relationship, and other things.

Dazai : Ugh! Fine I'll do it myself then...

It took me forever but after I was done I handed it to Kunikida, after he skimmed through it he looked at me shocked for some reason.

Dazai : What's with that face

Kunikida : Your married!!!

After Kunikida screamed that everyone looked at us shocked, well besides Ranpo, everyone started asking me questions all at once that I couldn't even hear a single person's question over the others.

Dazai : Guys one question at a time please.

Yosano : Wait so your married!?

Dazai : Yes, Why?

Naomi : Too who!!

Dazai : Well-

Tanizaki : For how long!!

Dazai : Well you see-

Kunikida : There's no way you're married!!

Ranpo : There is "throws a piece of candy in his mouth"

Yosano : Wait you knew!!

Ranpo : Well yeah, The President knows as well.

Kenji : He does!!

Ranpo : Yeah.

Naomi : How long have you been married Dazai?

Dazai : Hmm... I've been married for four years now I do believe-

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