Shadows in the light

13 1 3

Ship - Shin Soukoku

Timeline - Future

Includes - Angst and Fluff, secretly dating Shin Soukoku

Atsushi's POV : Me and Akutagawa have been secretly dating for about two years now, Akutagawa is... lets just say he's not a touchy person, at the start of our relationship Akutagawa pulled away from hugs, kisses and just simple handholds, after a while he was getting better, he let me hold his hand when we went on secret dates, he soon let me do a simple kiss on the check when dropping me off back at my apartment and also soon started letting me secretly come over to his place.

Akutagawa has always kept an eye out when we're together outside of missions, making sure no one from the Detective Agency or The Port Mafia saw us together, which makes me happy but also made me kind of sad that he didn't want people seeing up together, after being together for a year he started letting his guard down around me more, which made me really, really happy, after finally dating for a year he let me french kiss him without pushing me away from shock or embarrassment.

After dating for a year and a half he was alright with cuddling and initiating things confidently on his own, after dating for two years we're both comfortable with simple touches until things go to far, Akutagawa always stopped things from going farther, I've tried asking him about it but he just gives me the cold shoulder and shrugs it off like nothing happened.

After dating for two years I've started wanting people to know about us because I've had to lie to my co-workers multiple times just to be able to leave and see Akutagawa secretly, having to lie about where I'm going, who I'm seeing and more, at one point I thought someone was following me one day when I left work to meet up with Akutagawa, but when I turned around I saw no one at all so I just went on my way.

I've talked to Akutagawa about it but he just refuses to talk about us coming out to people about our relationship as an option, I've sometimes gotten to the point where I think he's ashamed to be seen with me, or he just doesn't want people to know he's taken, my mind has just been coming up with reasons to why he doesn't want people to know about us.

"Hey Atsushi-Kun! I have something for you!"

I looked up at Dazai with a folder in hand looking at me with a smile on his face like always "Hey, What's up Dazai-San?" Dazai held the folder to me "This is a new mission for you, you'll be working with Akutagawa on it, isn't that fun!?" I took the folder from Dazai's hand looking through it, I was happy that I got another mission with Akutagawa but I couldn't show that to Dazai-San "Really Dazai-San, do I really need to be paired up with him of all people? Couldn't you pair me up with Kunikida or even Kouyka?" Dazai just smiled at me and shook his head "Not a change Atsushi, and besides Akutagawa and you can get this done faster since your abilities work so well together, Right Atsushi-Kun!?" I guess Dazai-San wasn't wrong, me and Akutagawa worked well together considering we've gotten closer and don't bicker as much as we use too.

Honestly I should take this opportunity just so I'm able to see Akutagawa, since we haven't been able to secretly meet up recently because of our work schedules not lining up, but should I ask Dazai if I can bring Kouyka along? since I used to use that excuse all the time? "Dazai-San can Kouyka at least come with me?" Dazai held his chin like he was thinking until he leaned towards me smiling again "Atsushi-Kun trust me, I think you and Akutagawa should do this mission alone!" Dazai just smiled at me as he walked away to the couch in the corner of the office.

I soon sighed and gave up, I checked the folder again before leaving the office to the meeting point, after arriving I waited for Akutagawa to arrive, soon I heard footsteps as I looked at my phone, I looked up and met eyes with Akutagawa as he walked towards me, I put my phone in my pocket and smiled at Akutagawa, it's been around three weeks since we've seen each other and I was happy to see him "I see your happy, Jinko?" again with that nickname.

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