21. Everything has changed

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Chapter 21 

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Chapter 21 

Everything has Changed


"My life has been a shit show lately."

"Well, it’s not everyday, your parents celebrate their fucking 50th wedding anniversary," Viraj smirked through the screen of my iPad.

I sighed, my brows furrowing in concern, as I spoke to Viraj on the video call, waiting for the third musketeer to join. "Man, I'm really stressed. There's so much to plan, and I want everything to be perfect for them."

Viraj chuckled mischievously, teasingly taunting. "Oh, come on. I'm sure you'll throw a party with all the pomp and show. Just like your mother likes it!"

I rolled my eyes, playfully annoyed at Viraj's jesting. "Stop pulling my mother into this. I get it; she likes fancy things and wants this anniversary celebration to be memorable. But planning a whole get-together in Chandigarh with guests flying in from different cities? It's just too much."

Viraj grinned, knowing he had hit a nerve. "Well, you know how she is. Atleast I am satisfied with the venue."

I shook my head. "I know, I just hope everything goes smoothly, and she's happy with the arrangements."

I strolled into our apartment, while chatting to Viraj. I felt a sense of nostalgia for the Goa trip. It had been a month since that unforgettable adventure, and the memories were still fresh in my mind.

I and Adira fell back into our regular routine, but there was a noticeable distance between us. We slept in separate bedrooms, and our conversations lacked the warmth and intimacy we once shared. However, amidst the hustle and bustle, I felt a pang of sadness about the state of my own marriage. Adira, on the other hand, was trying to be supportive and understanding in planning the whole function as per my mother's wishes.

I smiled gratefully, feeling a little lighter after sharing concerns with Viraj. "Now, where's Arjun? He's always late!"

"By the way, how's Adira?" Viraj asked curiously, deflecting the topic.

"She's doing well. You wanna greet her face to face ?", while strolling through the corridor, I reached Adira's room and knocked on her door. As I peeked inside, I saw her sitting on the bed, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the laptop screen. She seemed engrossed in a conversation on her phone, her voice hushed and low, yet filled with laughter and smiles. 

"Shut up, you idiot"
"I wouldn't dare!"
"You say that all the time"

I wondered who she was talking to and what they were discussing. Was it someone from work, a friend, or maybe even someone close? The uncertainty tugged at my heart.

"Hey Adira, Viraj's on the call", I interjected.

Adira's surprised expression as she lifted her face from the laptop screen made my heart skip a beat. I noticed a slight flush on her cheeks, and it only added to my confusion. I passed the iPad to her. She quickly ended her call and greeted Viraj, who appeared on my video call.

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