Chapter 1 - Zuko Alone

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Author's Note: This story takes place within the timeline of the episode "Zuko Alone." I hope you have a good time reading and pls leave comments <3

Zuko had been traveling alone for several weeks on his ostrich horse. He had decided to part ways with Uncle Iroh. Uncle Iroh was more than an uncle to Zuko. Over the past three years, Iroh had always been by his side, treating Zuko like his own son. Iroh had been more of a father than Fire Lord Ozai ever was to Zuko. In his father's eyes, Zuko had failed when he questioned him during the war planning three years ago and refused to fight against him in the subsequent Agni Kai. Ozai literally marked Zuko and banished him from the Fire Nation until he found the Avatar. Zuko had only one goal: to restore his honor and make his father proud. He had to find the Avatar.Zuko rode through dry fields, having eaten nothing for a week and drunk nothing for two days. He wouldn't last much longer. Even his ostrich horse was starting to falter. Zuko almost slipped from the saddle, but when a delicious scent wafted into his nose, he straightened up again.
He follows the scent of his nose and spots a man roasting a piece of meat. Just as he draws his sword, he notices a pregnant woman with the man and sheaths his sword again. So, completely hungry, he continues on his way.

After about three hours, he arrives at a small village in the Earth Kingdom. There, he approaches a small merchant and asks him for food, a warm meal, and something to drink. He hands the merchant two coins, to which the merchant responds that his money isn't enough for a warm meal.

The merchant gives Zuko the livestock feed, and Zuko gives it to his ostrich horse. Meanwhile, he notices two soldiers seemingly harassing a girl around his age behind him. Zuko considers intervening, but he decides against it; he doesn't want to start unnecessary trouble and must focus on his goal of capturing the Avatar. A boy appears behind the counter of the merchant and pelts the soldiers with eggs. Just as quickly as the boy appeared, he disappears behind the counter again. The girl takes the opportunity to escape the situation. "Hey, did you just throw an egg at us?" the soldiers confront Zuko angrily. Without changing his expression, Zuko says he saw nothing and suggests that perhaps a chicken flew over their heads. Offended, the soldiers hiss and take the feed from Zuko. The merchant tells Zuko that these people were supposed to protect the village from the Fire Nation but are instead a bunch of criminals.

Zuko mounts his ostrich horse again when the boy reappears and thanks Zuko for not ratting him out. Zuko doesn't reply and prepares to ride on. "Wait! As a thank you, I can take you to my farm, where you and your ostrich horse can have something to eat." Zuko reluctantly accepts this invitation and allows himself to be led by the boy named Lee.Zuko and Lee arrived at a sprawling farm bustling with the sounds of pigs. Lee explained to Zuko how the noise served as an effective deterrent against would-be intruders, preventing anyone from sneaking up on them.

The girl from earlier bounded towards them, a bright smile adorning her face. "Great teamwork," she exclaimed, giving Lee a high five. "Did you manage to reclaim your necklace?" Lee inquired, his curiosity piqued. With a gleeful twirl, the girl showcased the beautiful necklace in front of Lee's eyes. Then, her gaze shifted to Zuko. "And who is your companion? Lee, you know we should be cautious around strangers." "I'm aware," Lee responded, "but he didn't betray me to the soldiers after the egg incident, and his ostrich horse had to give up its feed because of it." "Very well," she conceded. "Let's see what your mother has to say. You don't strike me as much of a gentleman," she remarked to Zuko. "You could have intervened with the soldiers too. I noticed you carry a few swords." Zuko felt a flush of embarrassment, regretting his inaction. "I... I'm sorry," he stuttered. "I prefer not to involve myself with strangers, but you're right. It was wrong of me." "Oh, never mind," she said with a playful grin. "I'm just teasing. I don't need a knight in shining armor. By the way, I'm Kira. Come on, let's introduce you to Lee's mother."

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