Chapter 36 - The search begins

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A few days had passed since Zuko sent out his letters, and the air at Kira’s herbalist academy was tinged with a mix of anticipation and the fresh aroma of herbs. Kira was bustling around, organizing supplies after a successful training session, while Zuko watched her, admiring her diligence and the easy way she moved among her students and supplies.

"You know," Kira said, stacking jars of dried herbs on a shelf, "if this whole Fire Lord thing ever falls through, you could have a future in herbology. You're quite good with the ‘serious overseer’ look."

Zuko, leaning against a worktable, chuckled. "I’ll keep that as a backup plan. But only if I get to be your apprentice. I can see it now: ‘Fire Lord turned Herbalist.’ It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

Just then, two palace guards entered, their arms full of scrolls and letters. "Fire Lord Zuko, the responses to your letters have arrived," one of the guards announced, trying to keep a straight face as he handed over the neatly tied bundles.

Zuko raised an eyebrow, taking the scrolls. "Thank you. Let’s see if they’re ready for another adventure." He began to unfurl one, scanning the contents quickly.

**Iroh’s response was warm and reassuring:**

*My Dear Nephew,*

*I received your letter and am preparing to return to the capital immediately. Rest assured, the palace will be in safe hands during your absence. Your quest is a noble one, and I commend your dedication to healing the wounds of the past. Remember, the search for truth is a journey of the heart. I look forward to hearing of your discoveries.*

*With all my support,*

*Uncle Iroh*

Zuko smiled, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. "Uncle is on board. He’ll be here to keep things in order while we’re away."

Kira, peeking over his shoulder, grinned. "No surprise there. Uncle Iroh would never miss a chance to play the wise sage. What about Aang and Katara?"

Unrolling another scroll, Zuko read aloud:

**Katara and Aang’s message was filled with typical enthusiasm:**

*Hey Zuko!*

*We got your letter and we’re both excited and worried about what you’ve discovered. Of course, we’ll be there to help. We’re packing up as we speak and should arrive in a few days. We’re bringing some scrolls and artifacts that might help with your mother’s mystery. Toph sends her regrets, as her academy is going through some intensive sessions, but she told us to 'kick some truth out of the dirt for her.' We can’t wait to see you and Kira and get started!*

*Your friends,*

*Katara and Aang*

Zuko looked up at Kira with a half-smile. "Looks like we’re gathering the old gang again, minus one very stubborn earthbender."

Kira laughed, shaking her head. "Toph and her dirt... Well, we’ll kick enough truth out for her too. When do they arrive?"

"In a few days," Zuko replied, rolling up the scrolls. "That gives us enough time to prepare and maybe even relax a bit."

"Relax?" Kira raised an eyebrow playfully. "With you? Is that possible?"

Zuko gave her a mock stern look. "I’ll have you know I am exceptionally good at relaxing when the situation calls for it. Maybe I’ll start right now."

"And how does the Fire Lord relax?" Kira asked, leaning against the table and eyeing him curiously.

"Well," Zuko pondered, pretending to think it over, "I suppose it involves a lot of sitting quietly and thinking about how to not start a national crisis."

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