Chapter 35 - Secret Letters

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In the dim early hours of the morning, Kira arrived at her academy, her mind still clouded from a sleepless night. To her surprise, Zuko was already there, waiting for her. He looked just as weary, having spent the entire night in the empty academy.

"I figured you'd show up here eventually," Zuko said, his voice tired but hopeful. "Can we talk, please?"

Kira crossed her arms, her mood still sour. "Now you want to talk? After all the secrets?"

Zuko sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I didn't want to hurt you, Kira. I was trying to protect you from the burden."

"That's not your decision to make," Kira snapped back. "You don’t have to face everything alone, Zuko."

He looked down, guilt written across his face. "I've been trying to learn more about my mom from Ozai. I was with him all day yesterday and the day before. He did nothing but mock me, telling me I can't trust anyone—not even you, especially not a herbalist."

Kira's expression softened slightly. "Zuko, you're an idiot if you listen to Ozai."

Zuko continued, his voice tinged with fear. "He warned me that I'd end up like him, that he still has followers who could threaten us. It terrifies me, Kira."

He paused, gathering his thoughts. "Sokka found out something too. My mom disappeared the same day Grandfather Azulon died, and Ozai became Fire Lord. She used to send letters to someone she loved back in Hera, but Ozai had a spy intercept them."

Kira listened, her heart aching for Zuko. She then shared what she had learned from Ty Lee, about Azula and Ty Lee practicing kissing as children and being caught by servants. "That was the day Ozai called Azula a disgrace. Ty Lee thinks... maybe Azula is lesbian, and you know how the Fire Nation views that."

Zuko’s eyes widened slightly, recalling the pain in Azula’s eyes that day. "She thought Mom loved me more... That’s why she’s so broken."

The air between them was thick with revelations and regrets. Kira stepped closer, her voice earnest. "Zuko, she's still your sister. And I want to be involved in everything, not just the good parts. We're a family, all of us. Ozai, too, in a way."

Zuko looked at her, a mix of admiration and desperation in his eyes. "Does this mean you'll take me back?"

Kira smirked, her mood lightening. "I haven’t decided if I want to be your wife or stab you with a knife yet."

"Even if it’s handcuffed, I’m not leaving without you," Zuko replied, managing a small smile.

Kira laughed softly, shaking her head. "My idiot. But yes, I love you. And we need to try with Azula, trust her a bit more."

Zuko nodded, relief washing over him. "Thank you, Kira. For everything."

They stood in the quiet of the academy, the early morning light beginning to seep through the windows. Zuko took Kira’s hand, his grip firm and reassuring.

"So, we're doing this together?" he asked, a hopeful note in his voice.

"Always," Kira replied, squeezing his hand. "But no more secrets, okay? We deal with things together. Family style."

Zuko pulled her into a hug, his heart lighter than it had been in days. "No more secrets," he promised.

As they embraced, the weight of the past and the uncertainty of the future seemed a little less daunting. Together, they would face whatever came their way, their bond strengthened by reconciliation and renewed trust.As Zuko and Kira walked back to the palace, a comfortable silence settled between them, punctuated only by Kira’s occasional comments about plans for a brief closure of the academy. "I think I’ll keep the academy closed today. Everyone needs a break now and then," she mused aloud, her thoughts already on the tasks that awaited them at the palace.

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