Chapter 51

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The palace had settled into a semblance of normalcy after the chaotic events surrounding the battle with Ignis. The grand hallways were bustling with activity as servants went about their duties, oblivious to the secret that only a select few were privy to—Fire Lady Kira was pregnant.

Kira paced the ornate corridors, her hand resting protectively on her abdomen. The nausea had been relentless today, and she longed for a moment's respite. She spotted Zuko approaching, his presence instantly soothing her frayed nerves. His eyes lit up with concern and affection as he closed the distance between them.

"How are you feeling?" Zuko asked softly, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Kira gave him a wry smile. "Like I'm about to turn into a dragon and breathe fire on everyone," she quipped, then winced as another wave of nausea hit.

Zuko chuckled, his laughter a deep, comforting sound. "If anyone could handle that, it's you," he teased, then grew serious. "Do you need anything? Some ginger tea, maybe?"

Kira shook her head. "No, I think I just need to sit down for a bit." She allowed Zuko to guide her to a nearby bench. The palace gardens stretched out before them, a serene oasis amid the grandeur of the Fire Nation's capital.

As they sat, Kira leaned into Zuko, drawing strength from his presence. "I wish we could tell everyone," she admitted, her voice tinged with frustration. "Keeping this secret is harder than I thought."

Zuko nodded, understanding her plight. "I know, but it's important to tell our family first. Uncle Iroh will be over the moon, and Sela... well, she deserves to hear it in person."

Kira's expression softened at the mention of Zuko's beloved uncle. "You're right," she agreed. "We should plan a trip to Ba Sing Se soon."

Meanwhile, the palace staff were bustling about, none the wiser to the Fire Lady's condition. In the kitchens, Chef Tseng was preparing the evening meal with his usual meticulous care. He noticed that some dishes were being sent back barely touched, a rare occurrence that piqued his curiosity.

"What's going on?" he muttered to himself, peering at the trays. "The Fire Lady usually loves the spicy noodles."

"Maybe she's trying a new diet?" suggested Sous Chef Mei, chopping vegetables with swift precision.

"Or maybe she's just lost her appetite," Tseng mused, shaking his head. "Something's definitely up."

Upstairs, Maid Hana was tidying Kira and Zuko's chambers when she noticed something peculiar. The usually neat room had a scattering of food wrappers, most notably from dried sea prunes and pickled radish—a strange combination she hadn't seen the Fire Lady eat before.

"I wonder if she's got a new craving," Hana mused aloud, shrugging off the oddity as she went about her duties. She picked up a wrapper, sniffed it, and wrinkled her nose. "Sea prunes and pickled radish? That's... interesting."

Later, in the servants' quarters, the palace staff gathered for their customary evening gossip session. Hana couldn't resist sharing her discovery.

"You won't believe what I found in the Fire Lady's room," she began, her voice low but conspiratorial. "Sea prune and pickled radish wrappers. Can you imagine?"

The other maids gasped, their eyes widening in surprise.

"No way!" exclaimed Lina, the head maid. "Is she on some newfangled diet or something?"

"I heard that weird cravings can mean something else," Mei chimed in, raising an eyebrow knowingly.

"Like what?" asked Kai, a young kitchen helper, his curiosity piqued.

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