Chapter 43 - Girls night

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Zuko and Kiyi sat in the palace gardens, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow over the vibrant flowers and carefully trimmed hedges. Kiyi, clutching her stuffed turtle-duck, looked up at her older brother with wide, curious eyes.

"Zuzu, can we play Fire Nation chess again?" Kiyi asked, her voice full of excitement.

Zuko smiled, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Of course, Kiyi. Let's go set up the board."

They made their way to a shaded pavilion where a Fire Nation chess set awaited. The intricately carved pieces gleamed in the sunlight as they took their seats. Zuko patiently explained the rules to Kiyi, who listened intently, her small hands eagerly moving the pieces across the board.

As they played, Zuko's thoughts kept drifting to Kira. He missed her presence, her laughter, and the way she always knew how to make him smile. He wondered how her visit to Sela and Lee was going and hoped she would return soon.

"Your turn, Zuzu!" Kiyi's voice brought him back to the game. She giggled as she made a bold move, capturing one of his pieces.

"Nice move, Kiyi!" Zuko said, genuinely impressed. "You're getting really good at this."

Kiyi beamed with pride. "Thanks! I've been practicing with Uncle Iroh."

They continued to play, their laughter filling the garden. Zuko cherished these moments with his little sister, finding solace in their bond.

Meanwhile, inside the palace, Ursa stood by a window, her gaze distant as she watched her children from afar. Her heart was heavy with worry for Azula. Despite Azula's attempts to integrate herself into the new regime and her recent trip to Ba Sing Se, Ursa could sense the turmoil within her daughter.

"Will she ever find peace?" Ursa whispered to herself, her eyes filled with a mother's concern.

Azula had always been a complicated child, brilliant and fierce but also deeply troubled. Ursa hoped that with time and the support of her family, Azula might finally begin to heal and find a path to happiness.

Ursa's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of laughter from the garden. She smiled softly, grateful for the moments of joy Zuko and Kiyi shared. They were a reminder that, despite the challenges they faced, there was still love and hope within their family.

The next morning, Kira sat down at the breakfast table with Sela, Lee, and Sensu. The air was thick with the awkwardness lingering from the previous night, and Sensu avoided meeting Kira's eyes. Sela tried to keep things light, serving up plates of steaming rice and fresh fruit.

"Good morning, everyone," Sela said brightly, though her eyes flickered between Kira and Sensu with a hint of curiosity.

"Morning," Kira and Sensu mumbled in unison, not quite looking at each other.

Lee, oblivious to the tension, dug into his breakfast with gusto. "This is great, Sela! What's the news today?"

Sela picked up the news scroll and began to read aloud. "It says here that Princess Azula, sister of Fire Lord Zuko, has made a public apology in Ba Sing Se. There's even a picture." She unrolled the scroll further, showing a detailed illustration of Azula and a smaller image of Zuko.

Kira's stomach twisted as she saw the familiar face of Zuko. Sela's eyes widened, and she gasped. "Wait a minute... that's Mushi! Mushi is the Fire Lord Zuko?!"

All eyes turned to Kira, who could feel her face growing hotter by the second. "I guess I have some explaining to do," she muttered, bracing herself.

Sela's gaze was piercing. "Kira, you owe us the whole story. Right now."

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