Chapter 9 - The fountain

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As the Dai Li hauled Jet away, the air around the tea shop began to settle, though the echo of the conflict lingered. Zuko, still holding his broadsword, turned to find Kira approaching him, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and relief.

"Zuko, are you okay?" she asked, her voice soft but carrying the weight of her worry.

Zuko nodded, sheathing his sword awkwardly as he tried to regain his composure. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to you," he managed, his cheeks tinting with a blush as Kira stepped closer.

Without hesitation, Kira threw her arms around Zuko in a tight embrace, her relief palpable. Zuko's heart raced, and he hesitated for a moment before returning the hug, his arms tentatively wrapping around her. The warmth of her embrace sent a wave of comfort through him, and he couldn't help but blush deeper.

As they pulled apart, Kira looked up at him with a smile that made Zuko's heart skip. "Why did you avoid me at the train station?" she asked, her tone light but curious.

Zuko shuffled his feet, looking anywhere but at Kira's eyes. "I... uh, I'm sorry about that. I just thought it might be better if... Well, I wasn't sure what to say," he stuttered, the words clumsy and insufficient.

Kira's smile softened, understanding dawning in her eyes. "I missed you, you know," she said, her voice a gentle tease. Then, quickly adding, "I missed your sword-fighting lessons. You have to teach me those moves you used on Jet."

Zuko's embarrassment gave way to a shy grin. "Yeah, I can do that. I mean, I'd like to," he said, his awkwardness making him more endearing to Kira.

Their exchange was light, sprinkled with laughter and shy glances. The tension from earlier seemed to melt away, replaced by the innocent and budding connection between them.

"So, it's a date then? More training?" Kira asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Zuko nodded, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "It's a date."

As they walked back into the tea shop together, their shoulders occasionally brushed, sending a thrill through Zuko each time. The simplicity of the moment—the comfort of Kira's presence—made all the chaos of the day recede into the background.

As the teashop's door closed behind them, the scene of scattered chairs and broken pottery greeted Zuko, Kira, and Iroh. Together, they set about restoring order, each picking up pieces of pottery and righting overturned furniture. The task was mundane but shared in good spirits, with Iroh humming an old tune that occasionally made Kira giggle, and even drew a reluctant smile from Zuko.

Once the chaos was sufficiently tamed, Iroh invited them to sit at a clean table near the back of the shop. With a flourish that only Iroh could manage, he presented them with steaming cups of his finest jasmine tea. "A good cup of tea can mend more than just a broken pot," he quipped, winking at Kira.

As they sipped the soothing brew, Iroh turned to Kira with a warm expression. "So, Kira, tell us how you have settled into Ba Sing Se. It's quite a change from the forests and freedom of the Earth Kingdom, I imagine."

Kira set down her cup, her face lighting up with enthusiasm. "It's been really interesting, actually. I've been working with a herbalist named Meiling. She's taught me so much about the healing properties of plants and roots. It’s fascinating how much you can help someone with the right herb."

"And your living arrangements?" Iroh prodded gently, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"Well, our apartment is tiny, and I share a room with Smellerbee," Kira laughed, rolling her eyes slightly. "It's cramped, and let's just say we're getting to know each other very well. But it's home for now."

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