Chapter 44 - Renewed Resolve

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As the night descended upon Ba Sing Se, Suki found herself sitting in the dimly lit room she shared with Sokka. The silence between them was deafening, a stark contrast to the usual camaraderie they shared. Sokka, sensing the tension, tried to lighten the mood with a joke.

"So, did you hear the one about the ostrich horse that walked into a bar?" he quipped, grinning.

Suki rolled her eyes, unable to mask her frustration any longer. "Sokka, this isn't funny. We need to talk about us."

Sokka's smile faltered. "What do you mean? We're fine, aren't we?"

"No, we're not fine," Suki replied, her voice tinged with sadness. "You’re always off on adventures with Aang. If it weren’t for these Fire Nation colonies, we wouldn’t have seen each other for months. I feel like I’m not a priority for you."

Sokka shifted uncomfortably. "But you know I have responsibilities. The world needs us."

"And what about what I need?" Suki's eyes glistened with unshed tears. "I want to settle down, Sokka. I want us to take the next step in our relationship, but it feels like you’re never around. I feel...unseen."

Sokka tried to reach for her hand, but Suki pulled away. "Suki, I didn't realize you felt this way. I just thought...I thought we were doing okay."

"We're not," she whispered, standing up abruptly. "I need some air."

With that, she hurried out of the room, her tears finally spilling over. As she walked down the corridor, she collided with Zuko, who was also storming away from his own troubles with Kira.

"Suki? Are you okay?" Zuko asked, his voice softening as he saw her tears.

Suki wiped her eyes, trying to compose herself. "I just had a fight with Sokka. He doesn’t understand how I feel."

Zuko sighed, his own frustration simmering beneath the surface. "I know how you feel. Kira and I just had a big argument too. Relationships are...complicated."

Suki managed a small smile. "Yeah, they are."

Zuko hesitated for a moment before he pulled Suki into a comforting embrace. She melted into his arms, finding solace in his strength. "Thanks, Zuko," she murmured, feeling a flutter of emotions.

Zuko held her close, feeling a strange mix of guilt and comfort. "Anytime, Suki. You deserve to be happy."

As they pulled apart, Suki looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears and something else. "You know, Zuko, you're really good at this comforting thing."

Zuko chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, I’ve had a lot of practice lately."

Suki laughed softly, the tension easing slightly. "How about we get out of here for a bit? I need a distraction."

Zuko nodded, feeling a sudden need to escape as well. "Let's go. I know a place."

They made their way to a nearby tavern, Zuko donning a hood to stay undercover. The dimly lit establishment was filled with the hum of chatter and clinking glasses. They found a corner table and ordered their first drinks.

"To complicated relationships," Suki toasted, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Zuko raised his glass. "To unexpected friendships."

As they sipped their drinks, they began to relax, laughing and teasing each other. Suki's cheeks flushed from the alcohol, and Zuko found himself smiling more than he had in days.

"So, Suki," Zuko said, a playful glint in his eye. "I heard you have a bit of a crush on me."

Suki's eyes widened in mock horror. "Who told you that? Was it Toph? I swear, that girl can't keep a secret!"

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