Chapter 41 - Once I fix me, she's gonna miss me

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As Azula made her way to the dining hall, she could already hear the chatter of the morning meal in progress. She braced herself for the inevitable awkwardness.

In the dining hall, Zuko, Kira, Iroh, and Noren were already seated, along with Kiyi, who was chattering excitedly about something or other. Azula felt a pang of envy at how easily they all seemed to fit together. She slipped into her seat, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.

"Good morning, Azula," Zuko greeted her with a forced cheerfulness that grated on her nerves.

"Morning," she replied curtly, not bothering to make eye contact.

"Did you sleep well?" Kira asked, her tone overly sweet.

Azula shot her a withering look. "Like a baby. Thanks for asking."

Kiyi, oblivious to the tension, bounced in her seat. "Mama and I slept with Zula! It was like a big sleepover!"

"How wonderful," Iroh said with a warm smile. "It's good to see the family coming together."

Azula resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Yeah, a real hallmark moment."

Noren, trying to break the tension, asked, "Azula, do you have any plans for today?"

Azula shrugged. "I don't know, maybe I'll set something on fire. Keep things interesting."

Everyone shifted uncomfortably, except Kiyi, who giggled. "Zula, you're funny!"

Azula gave her a small, almost imperceptible smile. "Glad someone thinks so."

As they ate, Azula couldn't help but notice the way the servants and guards tiptoed around her, their fear palpable. It was infuriating. She stabbed at her food with more force than necessary.

"Azula," Kira began tentatively, "I was thinking, maybe you'd like to come with me to the herbal academy today? It might be a nice change of pace."

Azula snorted. "Oh, how thrilling. A day spent with peasants and plants. No thanks."

Kira's smile faltered, but she quickly recovered. "Well, the offer stands if you change your mind."

Zuko, sensing the tension, tried to lighten the mood. "Azula, come on. It could be fun. Besides, it's better than sulking around the palace all day."

"Fun? With you two lovebirds playing house?" Azula retorted. "I'd rather gouge my eyes out."

Kira blushed while Zuko sighed. "You don't have to be so hostile, Azula."

Azula's eyes narrowed. "And you don't have to be so naive, Zuzu."

Kiyi looked between them, confused. "Why do you call him Zuzu? That's a funny name!"

Azula smirked. "Because it's ridiculous, just like him."

Zuko glared at her, but before he could respond, Kiyi piped up again. "Zula, why are you always so grumpy?"

Azula sighed. "Because, Kiyi, some of us have real problems."

Kiyi tilted her head, still smiling. "But being happy is more fun!"

Azula couldn't comprehend how Kiyi could be so perpetually cheerful. It reminded her too much of Ty Lee, and the thought made her heart ache. She turned her attention back to her food, hoping to end the conversation.

Iroh, ever the peacemaker, changed the subject. "Noren, how are you finding palace life?"

Noren smiled warmly. "It's different from Hira'a, but we're adjusting. Kiyi seems to love it here."

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