Chapter 17 - Horizons and Heartaches

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As the ship cut through the waters heading towards the Fire Nation, Zuko stood at the railing, staring into the horizon with a pensive expression. The cool sea breeze whipped around him, but it did little to ease the turmoil within. Lost in his thoughts, particularly of Kira and the life he left behind, he barely noticed Azula approaching until she was right beside him.

"Still sulking, Zuko?" Azula's voice, sharp and probing, broke through his reverie. "You really need to learn to let go of the past. But since you're my brother, I suppose it's my duty to cheer you up."

Zuko turned to face her, his expression guarded. "I don't need cheering up, Azula. I'm just thinking."

Azula smirked, her eyes glinting with mischief and secrecy. "Oh, I think you'll want to see this. Consider it a little surprise to lift your spirits."

Before Zuko could respond, Azula stepped aside, and from behind her emerged a familiar figure-Mai. Her presence was as calm and composed as ever, but her eyes softened when they met Zuko's.

"Mai?" Zuko's surprise was genuine, and for a moment, a genuine smile broke through his brooding demeanor.

Mai stepped forward and without a word, wrapped Zuko in a warm embrace. It was a comfort he hadn't realized he needed, and for a brief moment, he allowed himself to return the hug, feeling a familiar sense of affection and nostalgia.

"It's good to see you, Zuko," Mai said quietly as they stepped back. Her voice was steady, but there was an underlying warmth that had always been reserved just for him.

Zuko nodded, managing another small smile. "It's good to see you too, Mai." But even as he said it, his mind drifted back to Kira. The contrast between Mai's calm demeanor and Kira's vibrant energy was stark, and the memories of Kira's laughter, her determination, and even her anger filled his mind.

Azula watched the exchange with a satisfied smirk. "Well, I'll leave you two to catch up," she said, her tone light but carrying an undertone of calculation. With a final, pointed look at Zuko, she turned and walked away, her steps echoing on the wooden deck.

As Azula left, Zuko and Mai began to talk, catching up on the time since they last saw each other. Mai shared updates from the Fire Nation, her words careful and measured. Zuko listened, responding when necessary, but his responses were distracted.

While Mai's presence was a welcome reminder of simpler times, Zuko couldn't shake the heaviness in his heart. As Mai spoke, his thoughts kept wandering back to Kira-to her fierce spirit, her resilience, and the moments they shared that had changed him. The realization that those days were over, coupled with the guilt of his actions, weighed on him heavily.

Though he was physically present with Mai, part of him was still back in Ba Sing Se, with Kira, in a small apartment filled with hopes and dreams now shattered. The scent of jasmine from Kira's handkerchief, still tucked safely in his pocket, was a constant reminder of what he had lost, and what he still longed for.

Kira stirred from her troubled sleep, her mind still clouded with the remnants of dreams filled with conflict and sorrow. The smell of breakfast wafted into the room, a small comfort prepared by Smellerbee and Longshot, who had risen earlier to try and bring some normalcy to their shared space.

She pulled herself out of bed, her movements sluggish and heavy. Her body ached as she made her way to the bathroom, each step a reminder of the physical confrontations she had endured. Once inside, she turned on the shower, letting the water heat up as she slowly undressed. The mirror revealed her reflection, a stark image of the toll recent events had taken on her.

Kira's eyes were swollen from tears, her face drawn and tired. As she examined her body, she noted the bruises mottling her skin and the small cuts that were just beginning to heal. The physical marks of her battles were evident, but it was the emotional scars that felt the most raw.

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